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About Me

So it's about time I update this as I have turned into a facebook girl,but myspace was the original- hi 5! I recently got placed 6th in Miss England which was an awesome experience for little old me to have my arse on the catwalk! I moved to London in about March and absolutely loving living here with my pal Karrisa. I trained at stage school for 3years and now work primarily as a professional dancer. When I'm not dancing, I do promotion work which I really enjoy and love meeting new people through, but at the minute I'm trying to do down the more commercial dance route, acting, adverts, presenting, modelling etc, because as anyone who knows me will tell you, I have far too much personality to dance with my mouth shut the whole time!! Although I'm at a bit of a loose end with the modelling cuz I'm only 5'4- making me vertically challenged!!!! To describe me, I'm hyper, bubbly , talkative, excitable, up for a laugh, romantic, sensitive and caring. I'm very strong minded and have alot of beliefs, very determined to succeed, but above all I just crave to be happy and content.... I lu huh hurrrve movies, so - Favourite ever line from a film - 'There'll be one less person on this boat, if you don't SHUT that hole in your face....'. Absolutely brilliant. Heres a couple of my favourite quotes that unfortunately I didn't make up-The difference between impossible and possible lies in a persons determination, and -Life isn't how many breaths you take, but how many moments that take your breath......There are people in life who are leeches, who suck all the good out of you, and give nothing back. Friendships and relationships in my eyes work from both sides- not one, and I suppose I do expect alot out of people, but I try my hardest to be the best person I can be, and so should others.I believe very strongly in fate, so I'm hoping one day it will all come back to me. I am a very grateful, appreciative and positive person, because even when things are shite, there is always someone way worse off and there is always something to be grateful for, however bad things may seem at that particular moment. My mum is the nicest person I've ever met, and if I end up half the women she is, and meet someone who loves me half as much as my Dad does my Mum, I'll be a very lucky girl... I wana do so many things. I want to succeed in my career, meet loads of people, go travelling some more and see some beautiful places making lovely memories along the way. I wana rock climb, sky dive ,go abseilling, snowboard,go caving, white water raft and quad bike.Ya know adventurey type stuff cuz im an adrenaline junky!!! the thought that you could die when doing something scares the bejesus outta me and i love it!!Did a couple of those type of things when I was younger but I wana do them again. Above all I want to be happy, with enough money hopefully one day to buy a ferrari and an Audi R8 and spoil my family and friends rotten.And oh yeah - a dog. When I have a dog and I meet the love of my life I'll be sooooooooooo happy x
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For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble What Kind of Kisser Are You? Myspace Backgrounds
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anybody who can make me laugh. V loves to laugh. I love it, I could laugh all bloody day, and sometimes I laugh at nothing at all, and when someone asks why Im laughing an I say nothing, that makes me piss even more! Laugh and talk, laugh and talk,thats me.and no that isn't weird....

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