Will go pretty much anywhere Patrone is served.Prefers local dive bars over a crowded club where unattractive sweaty men grope me as hes trying to shout over loud lame music thats playing while half naked chicks are tramping around.chicks who I assume dont own a mirror at home, and never saw just how ridiculous they look. but then again, i do have to go occassionally to this enviroment with my girls when we are up for a good laugh.Like to people watch. at times im selfish, pretty judgmental,hey at least i admit it img src= "http://imagehost.vendio.com/bin/imageserver.x/00000000/your friendmidten/.mids/PINKHAND.jpg"
You! If your still reading this after reading the above 'About Me' blurb.
I listen to everything except polka and yodelling. never got into either.Even that damn 'ricolla' commercial bothers me. I Dont believe in god, but if there is one, its Chris Cornel. System of a Down rocks, Korn, and everyones fav band Sublime.
I love to laugh. Whats better than laughing? Ok youre right...laughing is in my top 3 favorite things to do. Point being i mainly watch comedies.any movie with Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Chris Rock, Will Ferrell, David Spade, Jim Carey, Jimmy Fallon, or of its not a comedy its gotta have someone hot in it for me to drool over, such as Johnny Depp, Denise Richards, Jamie Pressly or Ethan Hawke. Or on the other side of the spectrum its gotta be some crazy off the wall phuct up movie. Natural Born Killers, American Psycho, Salton Sea, Strangland...
Too many teeny-bopper reality shows out there.If my tvs on,its on the comedy channel. Da Ali G, Scare Tactics, Just 4 Laughs, Punkd, Jamie Kennedy Experiment, (some trailer trash lady had to sue him cuz she realized she looked like an ass on tv, so he got cancelled). Can u see a trend? I like watching inncoent people get f'd with. My name is earl is great and Desperate Housewives. I wish i lived on Wisteria Lane. Im not hot enough too
Paperbag Princess is the best book ever written! Hands down. Dont argue with me, you'll lose.
If I could be an animal Id wanna be a Great White Shark. No one phucks with them. They are the ruler of the ocean. They do as they please and no one dares battle one. So ya, i have a lil bit of a control freakish side. I want to be the boss.I pout when i dont get my way, but dont we all?