Ww cat makes sound with things. sometimes sound is unpleasant. sometimes sound is pleasant. either way, sound should always be sexy. As well as solo feline racket i am to be found hacking bile in TEMPLE OF STATIC CHRIST (with kylie minoise + nackt insecten), noodling in BARBASTELLE (with cheer), spreading occasional geetar abuse with OPAQUE and disrupting childrens parties with JULIUS SEIZURE (with noma + rejectamenta).
*** D I S C O G R A P H Y ***
Temple of static christ "parish" cd (www.kovoroxsound.com) out now!
Ww cat debut solo clatter and din "THE GUTS OF ROMANCE" now available on KOVOROXSOUND!
Temple of Static Christ stoopid-big tape pack with horny grimmm artwork now available on SICK HEAD!
Two long tracks. The Birchville Cat Motel one is ultra-harsh take no prisoners noise-fuck! Opaque soothe then slow relentless sledge hammer oblivion! Total running time 37:15.
Tracks to be found on the top-notch PJORN "doing the right thing takes the emptiness away" and forthcoming AMERICAN GRIZZLY "TBA" comps!
NEW!!! WW cat cough and splutter on the way soon!!!
See www.kovoroxsound.com, sick head myspace, volcanic tongue etc for purchase details!!!