Get your own Happy Anyday Greeting!There is not much I dont like in this world. ill pretty much give anything a try once at least
Interesting people like the little person inside my head he always has all the answers. If I could travel back in time I would love to meet Benjamin Franklin he's probably one of my coolest relatives (but I hope there is not much family resemblance) I would also love to meet my older brother god rest his soul. His death has shape my life.
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With out sounding corny to me music is the heartbeat of life. I am cursed with a horrible memory so I stopped tiring to memorize names of songs or artist. But ill listen to anything and enjoy all types of music
Out side of my horrible memory I have been told I have a horrible taste in movies the worse a movie is the better ill probably like it
It was not till recently that I started to watch a lot of TV some of my favorite shows include Charmed Project Runway 90210 CSI Grace Under Fire and Futurama
i love to read it's the best escape for this harsh reality ill read just about anything so if you know a good book tell me
my mom is my ispration in life one day i hope to repay her for all she has done for me i can really say she has saved my life more than once and on a lighter note my childhood hero is wonder woman