"Only when you see through the eyes of the horse can you lead the dance of the mind"
_Pete Spates
I like horses, trees, water, mountains, all of nature. I enjoy hiking/ climbing and frolicking through forests. I also like drinking and partying which makes for a spiritual/ social conflict that I try to balance as best I can. I like making things out of clay, painting, writing, drawing: creating.
I'm majoring in history at Concordia university with alot of music on the side. I like learning things from any field. I've decided that after earning my bachelor degree at Concordia, I will go into a trade, welding or carpentry, because I want to do something with my hands rather than just read and write as a career.
I'm in a Schuhplattler group (Bavarian dancing) and through it have met so many friends, been on so many road trips with the group and have been wasted many times. It has been the roots and branches of the greatest times in my life.
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.
It is up to you to give life a meaning.
--Jean-Paul Sartre
It is man's natural sickness to believe that he possesses the Truth.
--Blaise Pascal