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B o y f r i e n d s
b oy f r i e n d::b a s i c s
What's his name?: !BoOdA!
How old is he?: legal
What's his middle name?:
How tall is he?: tall enuff...6ft 1"
How much does he weigh?: he is fat...162
What color eyes does he have?: brown n mesmerizing
What color hair does he have?: brown
Does he work out?: i guess
If so, how much does he bench?: ur
Does he have any piercings?: yea...n his ears
Does he have any tattoos?: nope...wat a rookie
What size ring does he wear?: idk...his fingers is skinny
What size shoe does he wear?: 10
Does he wear boxers or briefs?: both but he wears boxers more
What do people usually think when they see him?: USHER!!!!!!!
Is he an emotional person?: lol...yea
Is he open with you?: all da time...he my bestest friend 4eva!! LMAO
Has he ever lied to you?: not dat i no of...
What about?: nothin i hope
Did you forgive him? Why?: i probably would have
How much time do you two usually spend together?: almost every second of da day
Have you ever hurt him emotionaly?: i think but not intentionally
Physically?: i b whippin his ass!!
Do you make him do things he doesn't want to?: i dont think so....
w h a t::d o::y o u::t h i n k
About his body?: slim jimmy!! lol but i love it
His smile?: brightens up a room
His hands?: soft n sensual
Kisses?: juicy
Do you feel safe in his arms?: of course...n nowhere else
Has he ever bought you anything?: .....
Sent you a card?: .....
Gave you flowers?: .....
What's the most romantic thing he's ever done?: all i should say birthday
Has he made lifetime promises to you?: yea
What's the most special one?: being wit him 4eva
Do you have allll the pictures he's ever given you?: yea
What about the ones of you two together?: yea
What do you think about his ex girlfriends?: dey aint shit
Does he still talk to them?: occasionally
Do they know about you?: of course
Do they like you?: who cares...???
Do you CARE of they like you?: hell 2 da no!!!
How do you feel about girls hitting on him?: dey jus makin me no dat he is da shit!!
Has a girl hit on him infront of you?: dey aint dat damn stupid
What did you do about it?: probably woulda sliced n diced dat bitch
Do you compare him to your ex boyfriends?: yea only 2 highlight da things dat he does right
Has he ever drawn you anything?: no
Do you two fight a lot?: yea
Who usually says sorry first?: it depends, but usually i do
Who's fault is the fight usually?: mostly his
Do you keep his letters?: he hasnt written me anythin
Even the envelopes?: if he wrote me something
Have you ever put lipstick on and kissed the letter?: nope
Has he?: ewwww no
Has he changed since the beginning of your relationship with him?: believe it or not
What's his worst habbit?: bitin his nails, n beatin around da bush wen he asks me questions
Have you tried to stop it?: yes all da time
f u t u r e
How long have you two been together?: 2 months n 9 days :)
Do you want to get married?: of course
Have you even talked about it?: yea
What about babies?: yea
Girl name:: Ashlyn
Boy name:: Adriel
Age you'll be when you marry?: ill say 23
Age he'll be when you marry?: 24
What age do you want to become a mommy?: 21 or 22
Do you want a boy or a girl first?: wateva i get im not picky
Will you two cry?: probably
Are you going to get an appartment or house first?: apt
Do you want to move away from your family?: no not really
h a s::h e::e v e r
Rubbed your tummy?: yea
Kissed your hand?: yea
Your forehead?: yea but he knows i hate dat
Your tummy?: yea
Your nose?: idk...??
Your cheek?: yep
Your neck?: ummmm...yea... :)
Has he ever fought someone for you?: almost i whole bunch of times
Stick up for you?: idk but he probably has
Ignored your phone calls?: i hope not...
Yell at you?: ...yea...
Cuss at you?: all da time, he has such a potty mouth lol
Hit you?: wen he playin
Throw something at you?: no
Encourage you?: yes
Just make out in front of your parents?: disrespectful
Cuddle up with you when you needed comfort?: yes
Make you warm?: yes
Go to a drs appiontment with you?: not yet but im sure he will 1 of dese days
Buy your family xmas presents?: no
Broken a promise?: all da time... :(
Let you do his hair?: he has a reg
Dress him up like a girl?:
Let you win a fight?: all da time
Cheat on a game so you could win?: no i win fair n square
h i s::f a v o r i t e
Movie:: dont have 1
Shirt:: american eagle & polo
Band:: dat damn Boosie
Instrument:: elliotts trumpet..LMAO
Friend:: Da Fam...n me :)
Food:: cheese LOL sike catfish
Side of the bed:: left cuz i sleep on da right
Thing to sleep in:: boxers n a beater
Shoes to wear:: rockports
Hair style:: i would say my 200's
Hair color:: black
Cologne:: cool water
Hobby:: MYSPACE!! LOL...sports
Obsession:: ME!!
Candle scent:: pumpkin
Thing to say:: LOVE U STINKA!!
Collectables:: he dont have none
Time of day:: weneva he is wit me
Kind of weather:: summer
Color:: dont have 1
Animal name:: lion
l a s t::t h i n g s
Do you think you two make a good couple?: YES!!
Do you really love him?: OF COURSE!!
Does he really love you?: OF COURSE!!
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I didnt no u long, only 6yrs 2 b exact...but i even knew that it was a match made n heaven. I always thawt dat u would b here 4eva but then n da blink of an eye...u were gone. i would often say, "He didnt even say goodbye..." like i knew u were going 2 leave. But i then realized dat God needed u more than i did.(if only i knew then wat i no now, lol). But u did always tell me one thing. U told me dat da guy i decide 2 have n my life needs 2 treat me better than u would. I always thawt dat dat would b impossible becuz no1's love will ever b as great as urs. But without even searchin i found dat dariel!! U should b proud...i love u!! oh, AND I ALMOST FORGOT....I LOVE DARIEL!!YES I LOVE THAT MOTHERFUCKER TOO DEF!!!...HE MAKE ME FEEL OH SOOO GOOD INSIDE AND OUT....