Someone I love and they love me back
Somebody who will..
*Hold my hand *
*Tell me I look good even if I look like a homeless person*
*Stare at the stars with me in silence but just be with me *
*Love me for who I am even when I being blonde*
*Tell me everything even stupid pointless stories*
*Someone that will kiss me in the middle of an argument and just tell me I m right*
*Let me fall asleep in their arms and just watch me sleep*
*Give me piggybacks everywhere cos I m lazy*
*Take me for a KFC then let me finish theirs*
*Put their arm around me and tell me they love me*
*Laugh with well as at me*
*Take care of me when I m sick and bring me red skittles*
*Write me stupid pointless letters to tell me how great we are together*
*Stay on the phone to me if I m scared*
*Not laugh at me cos I m a wimp*
*Kiss me in the rain*
*Lend me clothes that are far too big for me but so much more comfy*
*Tell me what ever they are feeling*
*Surprise me when I m least expecting It*
*Throw stones at my window when they know I m sad*
*Always ask me if I m ok. just to check*
*Listen to really sad songs with me*
*Tell me everythings ok and things will be fine*
*Cry in front of me when their sad*
*Be honest even if I wont like it*
*Waste time with me doing nothing*
*Tell me when I have stuff in my teeth*
*Watch the same film over and over again just cos I like it *
*Let me play with their hair*
i think i may have found him