anything i get distracted really easily, espically bright colours, pretty colours
adopt your own virtual pet!poke him as fast as u want if u can be bothered but dont feed the duck or he will grow fat
folk music
anything that has mindless violence, guns, cool fighting moves, big apes, lots of blood, chickens, bright colours, flashy colours, naked peopleembed enableJavascript="false" allowscriptaccess="never" allownetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never" src=" 1=2006&tmonth1=8&tday1=7&thours1=0&tminutes1 =0&event=basic training&clr=0xFF0000&tseconds1=0" loop=false menu=false quality=high bgcolor=0 WIDTH="257" HEIGHT="160" NAME="a" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"