Literature, art, theatre, cigarettes, puns, drinking all day, shoes, wit, punctuation, the word 'fabulous', in-depth discussions, boys, bands, boys in bands, shouting at the TV, libraries, kitchenware, black cabs, nail varnish, sandwiches, TCP, 80s cartoons, David Tennant, Barry M's Dazzle Dust, Cilit Bang, colour-coding J-cloths, fit men in wet denim, Kinder Bueno, David Tennant (yes, I know I've already said that)
A two-hearted alien life-form who travels through time and space in a blue Police box wearing suits, Converse trainers and a long coat.
David Bowie, Elvis Presley, The Beach Boys, The Kinks, The Stones, Suede, The Smiths, P J Harvey, The Detroit Cobras, Scott Walker, Nancy and Lee, The Mooney Suzuki, The White Stripes, The Pet Shop Boys, Patrick Wolf, Johnny Boy, Sons and Daughters, Sparks, The Fall, Adam and the Ants, Talking Heads, Joy Division, The Dears, X Ray Spex, The Specials, The Long Blondes, The Khe Shan Approach, blah, blah, blah (they were huge in the '80s)
Labyrinth, Cry Baby, Mean Girls, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Big Sleep, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The Seven Year Itch, any one of James Dean's. Also Hitchcock, Carry On and 80s Brat Pack.
Doctor Who, Star Trek, Torchwood, Heroes, Desperate Housewives, Lost, Sex and the City, Coupling, The IT Crowd, Father Ted, Ab Fab, The Vicar of Dibley, Green Wing, Nighty Night, Early Doors, Ugly Betty, QI
Favourite authors: JG Ballard in 70s weird sci-fi phase, Iain M Banks, Martin Amis, Terry Pratchet. Classics by Evelyn Waugh and PG Wodehouse. Also, Hitchicker's Guide to the Galaxy, Catch 22, The Curious Incident of a Dog in the Night Time, The Autograph Man, Steppenwolf...
(Not necessarily in chronological order) Leonardo Da Vinci, Andy Warhol, Dorothy Parker, James Dean, Elvis Presley, David Bowie, Kenneth Williams, Audrey Hepburn, Lord Byron, Eddie Izzard, my Dad...