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I am here for Friends

About Me

Me... Me... Lovely me...
Brooklyn Baby, Jersey Girl... wouldn't change it for the world. Currently taking up space in Belmar, only steps from the beach
"But what is a Jersey girl? She's humble, yet ambitious. She's independent, but family oriented. She likes eating pizza, drinking beer, having great hair, and wearing lots of mascara --But don't think for a moment she's not sophisticated! Jersey girls are about attitude. She's got a mouth on her. She says what she means and means what she says. A Jersey girl is crunchy on the outside and soft in the center. She has the tenacity and drive of a New Yorker, but with the beauty of warmth and humility that being from Jersey is all about. She's got a nice, cheerful laugh. She's spunky and witty, and she handles competition very well. She's got confidence. Whatever work she does, she gives it her all. Bottom line: She's sexy as hell and if you're lucky...she's yours."
I have been fortunate enough to live in another country. I spent those 4 months with some of the most amazing people ever... Team Fun '04... I'll never forget them or the times we shared. I would love to travel more... maybe live in London again. I travelled to many different countries while I was there, experienced many different peoples, but I want to learn more. I've been pony-trekking in Wales; I kissed the Blarney Stone in Ireland; I've been lost in Brussels, Belgium; I saw a wedding in front of the Colusseum in Rome; I almost fell out of a gondola in Venice; and I've partied with awesome Aussies in London's O'Neills Pub. Good times... good times...
However, I'm getting older now... the big 24!... but I'm definitely a kid at heart. I finally graduated from Monmouth. Who knows what's in my picture right now. I'm learning to take one day at a time... even though it may not seem like I am. I'm learning... it's a process!
Through this whole learning experience, I've also come to realize that Karma is a bitch! I love her to death because she knows what she's doing, however, she can also bite me in the butt! And that is not cool. I've grown up a lot in the past year. Realized a lot of crap, and I'm still taking everything in strides. Nothing seems real anymore, and I have a lot to deal with emotionally. I need to learn to let go, move on, and dream of the future. I'm learning... it's a process!
I am engaged and just had my beautiful baby girl, Kiera Elizabeth. So definitely a few major changes going on in my life. My friends and family have been wonderfully supportive although the hormones are going crazy and make me feel like I'm going insane every minute of every day. Oh the joys... But I honestly would not change anything for the world. I could not ask for more...
I love animals. I have 3 dogs - 2 Golden Retrievers and 1 German Shepard... Poncho Villa, Sandy McClain, and Piper Halliwell. I have 2 cats, who are my babies -- Her Serene Highness, Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco and her sister, Bella Luna. My sexy boy and I just adopted 2 dogs (brother and sister) - a Cocker Spaniel named Jack Bauer and a Chihuhua mix named Lola (she was a show girl). They're sexy! They're fric and frac... they're Mo and Larry... they're just plain nuts. But we still love them! Without animals in my life, I would be lost. They make everything in the world better!

Myspace Layouts at / An angel's garden

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Billy Joel... the President, so maybe I can take him in the back and beat some sense into his lazy ass! Do you actually think that would work? ... It's worth a shot!