Born in 1975 in Montreal, grew up between Canada, France, and Switzerland.
A childhood rocked by jazz & blues classics, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, 70's funk & soul tunes secretely played on daddy's turntable... enjoying almost all declinations of music available with an infinite curiosity.
Studied finance and business management, worked for 10 years doing import-export, logistics, business start-up & development, financial reporting & analysis for multi-national companies. Started producing only a few years ago but was always involved with the underground.
After 15 years part-time touring with my best friend H aka SunnyG, associated in Rec N Play, an independent record label & studio based in Geneva, Switzerland.
We are collaborating with many artists, musicians, song writers, singers, painters, dancers, music festivals, clubs, event managers, etc. from all horizons, and are always open to new collaborations. Inspired by the soul and the love spirit from the 70's, there are no boundaries to our creativity.