aim [main]: hikari corgan
aim [cell]: stonedcat in hat
icq: 4786289
[email protected]
yahoo: stonedcat666
[email protected]
twitter: hikaricore
livejournal: darkness of the light (empty journal)
deadjournal: darkness of the light
xanga: in the dawn of oblivion
Screenshot 11/16/09
....random thoughts of nothingness underwhere you sleep....
the night never ends blistering into new life and being as the twilight forms the morning lie. and the point of no return like an epiphany comes to light as a singularity on the horizon of my mind's eye. whispered words of the dreams i keep only to myself and no one else, incarnate as binary scampering to the unwelcoming doorstep of the person trying hardest to forget the words spoken straight from our hearts overshadowing the dawn of the new year. tripping across the hour that haunts my every connection with the concept of time.. 6:05 screams to me.. only to wake in disbelief that i am alone. what do you do when everything is gone.. as i'm lost in myself, speaking nothing of vanity.. i wipe the grease from my face and pick at a newly formed blackhead. looking at myself in disgust as it nears time for me to return to work. echoing violent fucks of nothing into my empty existence.. i wonder if i should care if i have a home or not.. i'm not scared without a home, but i'm too scared to be alone.. existence as i currently nest in it, is this sick worthless contradiction of everything that i am and need. trying to rationalize that in some way the things i've done and the people i've met have been in some odd way affected to move to make something better than my life of theirs. searing drama brought fourth in light of recent events lead me to believe otherwise, and that i've done nothing good for anyone, not even myself. i'm not a selfish being.. but there's only so much anyone can give to the rest of the souls that inhabit this retched planet before the echos of shattered hearts and misplaced trust stab you in the back of the head with a sharpened fucking spoon. even my analogies mock me as i question my responses as melodramatic or over analytic. i could go on for hours in a hail of worthless words meaning as much to the hearts i long for as a god damn canopener means to a rabbit.... fuck it all and i'll sit here in my own filth until i have to go.