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I am here for Friends

About Me

Here are the basics: I was born and raised in Arlington, Texas and am the eldest of three siblings. I love my parents and my brother, Ricky, and sister, Cecilia, dearly. I was brought up in a very open and tight-knit family which has shaped me into the person I am today. I will always be grateful for them, as well as their constant love and support. I am happily married to Patrick, my best friend and the love of my life. We just celebrated our first wedding anniversary on June 10, 2007. He is a handsome, funny, caring, strong, and patient man. And he can cook.

My Interests

I am working to complete my M.A. in physical anthropology at the University of Alabama. I graduated from UA back in May of 2004, spent a semester at CSU, and then returned to Tuscaloosa to complete my M.A. I have finished work in the osteology lab collecting data for my thesis, a project regarding the use of dental enamel hypoplasia to identify episodes of metabolic insult and then compare the prehistoric environments and population health of archaic individuals at 1CT27, 1Lu25, 1Lu61, and 1Lu67 to the Mississippian individuals of 1Lu92. I've finsihed my first final draft, and now I'm just waiting for my committee to set me loose!

In my free time, I enjoy: friends, family, my two dogs, home improvement projects, gardening, MUSIC, movies, coed sports, taking walks, forensic anthropology, theorizing about human behavior (both academically and anecdotally), art, roller coasters, county fairs, the zoo, aquariums, good reads, relaxation, amateur photography, food, kitchen gadgets, webcomics, silly celebrity gossip, Nintendo Wii,, costume jewlery, cute but comfortable shoes...

I'd like to meet:

People who are fun, but can still carry on an intelligent conversation. I am intrigued by those with strong convictions as well as the ability to articulate why it is they keep those beliefs. We don't have to agree if we can understand why we disagree. ;)

Animation Show - Dancing Animals In Love


Don't get me started...

A list of songs whose title or lyrics include the word "summer," or whose lyrics invoke the feelings of said word...


The list of movies I should see is a lot longer than the list of those I have seen. My movie watching habits do little to define me, as I enjoy films from pretty much every genre and time period. I suppose it all depends on how you define "enjoy." I mean, I can't really enjoy 'Little Shop of Horrors,' 'Wayne's World,' 'Singing in the Rain,' and 'Pulp Fiction' all in the same way, right? And that's not even a representative sample...


I have recently taken a liking to watching Wheel of Fortune... I think I might be getting old? Otherwise, I let the tivo track down all of the mindless garbage I watch so that I can live by my schedule and not the TV's.


I think it's time that I admit that I enjoyed Crime and Punishment.


♥ Patrick - my husband and my best friend; Mom and Dad; Ricky and Chila; my wonderful, giant family; all of my wonderful, caring friends. ♥

My Blog

The quarterly update...

Last week I decided to revisit the "very low calorie eating and little exercise" regimen I had followed to lose my first 75 pounds (I needed to get back down to where I was when I got off of the big f...
Posted by Sonia on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 02:52:00 PST

Check out this event: Halloween Party 2007

Hosted By: Sonia Williford-GillWhen: Saturday Oct 27, 2007 at 7:00 PMWhere: Our place!6113 Covington Villas DriveTuscaloosa, AL 35405United StatesDescription:Sonia Williford-Gill Click Here To View Ev...
Posted by Sonia on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 10:06:00 PST

Top 10 reasons why fall is the best season...

I was posting a bulletin this morning and realized that I was rambling hardcore.  Bulletins are not for rambling, that's what blogs are for!  In order to better organize things, though, I fi...
Posted by Sonia on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 07:29:00 PST

And life is good

Everything is falling into place like it always seems to...  I am grateful for everyone I have in my life and all of the blessings I receive on a daily basis. I am finally making some headwa...
Posted by Sonia on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 08:15:00 PST

My long overdue NYC pics post

Hey you guys!  Mom, Chila and I all went to NYC at the beginning of the month and I figured I should post some pictures from our little adventure.  You are lucky enough to get the trimmed do...
Posted by Sonia on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:02:00 PST

Can you believe it's almost August?!

Time just slips right by when all you do is work all day!  Patrick and I have been trying to get in a little more play time as of late, though.  We got our bikes out and tuned them up n...
Posted by Sonia on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 01:15:00 PST

Semi-annual Update ;)

I decided it might be a nice idea to update this blog again - I wish I was a little better about using this thing, but I suppose this is better than keeping you updated every morning with the insignif...
Posted by Sonia on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 08:33:00 PST

So... it's been about 2 months since I last posted :-/

To all of my once faithful readers/friends - I apologize for the lengthy hiatus.  I have been so busy that I haven't had time to spend on my poor little blog. My holidays were restful and full of...
Posted by Sonia on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 09:46:00 PST

I have:

1 splitting headache1 biostatistics report to complete for tomorrow1  final exam review guide to put together for my students by Friday1 bitchin' biostats homework assignment/ take home exam to s...
Posted by Sonia on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 01:38:00 PST

Blogging in the car...

because my laptop actually picked up a signal from the campus network!  I am waiting around for stats class because i got to campus extra early today.I just needed to let everyone know how reliev...
Posted by Sonia on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 07:17:00 PST