I'd like to meet:
The Girl Of My Dreams
Whose Nice, Sincere, Loves To Hang Out With Me, And Doesnt Want To Change Me
You Can Contact Me On Any Of These
AIM - DoomDoom2Doom
Yahoo - Doominator2019
MSN - Doominator2019@hotmail.com
MyspaceIM - Doomvor
~...:::What type of intelligence do you have?:::...~
Philosophical/Emotional! You like to analyze situations. You have gone through a lot in your life and you know what it's like to be in someone else's shoes. You genuinely care about other people, which makes you very generous and kind. You like to donate to charity and help people in need. You think about deep topics like life, religion, etc. You're very honest and you can usually tell what someone's going to say just by looking into their eyes. You often search for a deeper meaning to things, which makes you a good observer and listener. Congratulations on your thoughtful perspective!
Are you a follower, leader, or in between?
You're a leader. You always stick up for other people and yourself, and while you do sometimes laugh at them, you find yourself wanting to help them out. People often look up to, and copy what you do. Be careful though; getting a big head will make other people not like you at ALL.
How shy are you?
Shy one:
You are very shy. You find it easy to go into a shell and not let social interaction worry you. You probably have one or two friends whom you can confide in. You find it difficult to open
up to people.
What does your inner self crave?
Happiness.You're usually a bit miserable, for one reason or another. You can't really help it. No matter what you do, you just don't get enjoyment out of it. You often find yourself thinking depressing thoughts, and you don't like to put yourself out alot. You don't see the point in anything. Your aim is to be happier, and carefree.
how mature are you (deep results)
90% of your mass is below the surface...and, no, i'm not saying that you're fat. you have deep thoughts and understand the meaning in life. you are wise beyond your years. it sometimes annoys you when people act immature...you wish you could find someone as mature as you...someone that understands everything going through your head.
What makes you tick?
Love makes you tick. You are a hopless romantic who loves all that mushy gushy stuff that gives you butterflies. You know that everyone needs it and you love it when it happens. You feel that love is the one thing that will make you happy and is all you need. You don't like arguing and confrontations. You would rather have everyone get along.
How TRULY Original/Unique Are You?
Stubbornly Different.You simply could not stand being called "normal" In every aspect of your life you strive to be different from everyone around you. You wouldn't be caught dead listening to main stream music or wearing the latest fasion. To you rules were made to be broken and you fell that all the people who follow them are pathetic sheep, just following the crowd. No one could ever truely understand you, and no one could ever be like you. You like that, and intend to do everything in your power to keep it like that!
(Personality) What anime psyche conveys YOUR personality? (With Awesome Anime Pix)
Depressed Type: Your anime personality is the Depressed Type. You come off as stone cold or careless, and people have trouble getting to know you. You don't let your guard down very often, and hardly ever let your real emotions show through. That would be a weakness. You're quiet and reserved, but are easily angered. People learn not to get on your bad side, and yet you aren't really as cruel as you let on. You hide and inner sadness.Element: DarknessWeapon: AxePet Peeve: People who are TOO perky
What are you really hiding inside?
You are hiding your sadness with happiness. all those tears are bottled up and are waiting to come out, but you don't want anyone to see you cry.
Which eye are you? ~~GREAT PICTURES~~
You are the emotionless eye. Everything you do is involentary...and you just stopped caring about everything along time ago. You most likely cut...just to remind yourself that you are infact, still alive and full of this dreadful blood that runs through your veins. You are more than welcome to message me if you ever want to talk. I know exaclty what it is like being in your shoes.
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your dragon self (stunning pics and detailed results)
You Are A Red Dragon, and, sorry to say, but this is bad! You are capricious, umpridictable, and greedy. You would travel very long distances to enlarge your treasure, and you would remember evry little coin and artifact in your loot. You live in caverns in hight moutains and consider anythings over 100km around your nest as your propriety. You hate humans and attack them as soon as they get in your sight. You will destroy and plunder the villages located on your territory and order the sacrifice of a virgin . You are are very fierce and cruel, but if a human gets to gain your trust(and if you didn't roast him before), you will be the best ally possible. You don't use a lot of magic, you are very smart and you breath fire.stone: rubyquote:"I have a right to my anger, and I don't want anybody telling me I shouldn't be, that it's not nice to be, and that something's wrong with me because I get angry" from Maxine Waters,you control: fire
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What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]
~*~Result nr 6~*~
Your power is: Transformation
Explanation: Unlike everyone else you can change your body materia and transform into anything (e.g. an animal). This can be used in good purposes for infiltrating evil headcuarters or adjust your physical abilities by transforming and therefor do better in battle. If turned to the evil side, a transfomer could manipulate the "good guys" by looking like their loved ones and break them down.
As a person you are dissapointed with life. You have not so many interests anymore and has become depressed. Of course you can be happy, but your happiness subsides quickly and don't last very long. You isloate yourself from people since you think they would only hurt you, but some part just wants someone equal who understands the pain. When you transform it gives you freedom and you can be anything but yourself. You often pity yourself but don't let people come near and know what's going on with you. But the thought of opening up and risking being betrayed is too strong and intimidating to even try.
Negative aspects: You carry much hate to the world and yourself and in the long run this could lead to dangerous thoughts (suicide/cutting/killing) though the last one is least likeable since you would probably just have too much guilt.
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What Is Your Inner Soul Trying To Say? (For Girls and Guys; Contains Pictures)
Description: Your inner soul is calling for help! Everyday you wonder why you are still here when there is nothing left. You use to once be a happy, loving soul, but it was damaged by 'them' and seems like it never can be fixed again. You've been hurt, abused, and damned far too much for you to handle it all anymore! No one understands you because theyre too scared to get to know you! You want to finally give up; just escape and rid of all your pain. You want people to understand, you want comfort... You tend to bottle up all of your emotions and problems, hoping that theyll all go away But you long to reach out and tell that one special person all of your feelings and troubles! But you never seem to have that person to talk to, or they just dont seem to want to hear you! You like expressing yourself in many ways; whether it be through your emotions, words, art, or even physically. You also enjoy nice quiet sceneries that just dazzle your mind with awe. You want a normal and happy life. You always feel this sense of loneliness clouding over your head, though surrounded by several people. None of them know you; you feel as though no one can relate to you. You want understanding, you want that friend, and you want that perfect life! Your sanctuary would probably be any place where you can be alone and hide out, such as your bedroom... You may be tough at times and try to prevent yourself from crying on the outside.... But your heart is always crying on the inside... Try to loosen up and have some fun! Never start frowning because you never know who's falling in love with your smile :)+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+Quote: Spiteful words can hurt your feelings, but silence breaks your heart
(unknown)+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+Poem Verse:But finally, after all the tears, Ive drowned
After all the cuts, blood still runs down
The distance between us is hurting; my heart seared,
But the closeness was what really killed me, what I really feared
(DieColdHearted)+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+Symbol: A tear (sign of strength, yet it contains pain)+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+
You scored as Marines, Semper Fi. You are a true Marine. You are the nation's most devastating fighting force, barring Special Forces. But your place was not easy to get. You endured the harshest basic training of any Armed Force to get where you are, and your reward is the respect and admiration of everyone else (except maybe the Air Force, who may view you as just a dumb grunt. Perhaps it's true, but you just want to fight).
Air Force
Coast Guard
Which branch of the Military are you?
~What Color Is Your Aura?~ (Very Long And Detailed Results, Plus Pics!)
You Have A Blue Aura!!The Life Purpose of someone with the core color of Blue is to show us how to love one another by being the nurturer, giver, comforter, caretaker, counselor, inspirer, uplifter, and/or cheer leader.Characteristics Of A Blue:Loving, Caring, Helpful, Patient, Nurturing, Supportive, Motherly and IntuitiveExcellent givers but not very good receiversThe most emotional of all the core colors; they can be brought to tears for no apparent reasonSpirituality and relationships are their two biggest prioritiesPeople often turn to Blues for consolation, advice or just to be lovedTend to attract people who need rescuing, especially in their intimate relationshipsTend to hold on to guilt and resentment when feeling unloved and unacknowledgedOften have a hard time saying noCan have difficulty letting go of relationshipsEasily put on weight because they often use food as a substitue for emotional fulfillmentEasily pick up on people's emotions and feelingsThey want deeply to be loved but subconsciously doubt they are lovableThey need to form a deep emotional bond with their partner before sex is satisfyingGiving, nurturing and devoted parentsThey are overprotectiveThey are prone to using guilt and manipulation to get what they want rather than asking for itAs children they try hard to please their parents so that they will be lovedThey often choose low-paying service-oriented jobs because they feel that people and love are more important than money, consequently they can struggle financiallyThe Basic Fear of someone with the core color of Blue is to not receive the same love, appreciation, and approval they give.Blues are drawn to work that allows them to be of service to people, such as in the helping professions. They are also drawn to healing and spiritual lines of work. Jobs that appeal to Blues are:NurseTeacherParent/HomemakerAstrologerMarriage and Family CounselorPsychologistPsychicNun/PriestWelfare WorkerHuman Resources SpecialistSocial WorkerChildcare WorkerVolunteerSpiritual Advisor
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You scored as Eyes of Mystery, You have eyes of the mysterious. You think deeply and wonder about things that other people usually dont give a second thought. You tend to hide your emotions because you believe no one will understand, yet you are quite comfortable anyways. Even though you may be in pain, you are used to it by now, and have actually become quite numb. Gaze at the stars and absorb their mystery.~thx 4 takin my quiz~
Eyes of Mystery
Eyes of Crystal
Eyes of Blood
Eyes of Rage
What Is Revealed by Your Eyes?
You scored as Dareigeo, Demon of Rage and Death, You are Dareigeo, Demon of Rage and Death. You are a demon who will kill your victims in the most violent and gruesome methods ever imagined. You like to rip off your prey's body parts and inflict excruciating pain, but only to let them die slowly while you enjoy every second of their misery.
Dareigeo, Demon of Rage and Death
Xeohelios, Demon of Cunning and Manipulaition
Bedegan, Demon of Stupidity and Stubborness
Zendrielle, Demoness of Beauty and Deceit
Sederiana, Demoness of Malice and Lust
What Demon Are You?
Which fantasy class are you?Swordmaster-You are usually quiet, pretty much only talking to your close friends. You enjoy beauty and peace, but sometimes it just feels good to run somebody through on your blade. In battle, you carefully pick out your targets, then artfully eliminate them. Your favorite weapons are katanas, scimitars, and longswords.
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