I am W.L. Rice, I grew up in Virgilina VA (halifax county). Once upon a time I knew a lot of people in that part of the world and had much fun growing up there and finding my way through adolescence usually with a fair amount of trouble involved. After a short stint as a Pipefitter/Welder/Fabricator I joined the U.S. Navy not long out of high school (after dropping out of college) to become a Machinist and because I wanted to see what the world had to offer outside of the crossroads with no stoplight town I grew up in (plus I could not stay out of trouble).... needless to say I was overwhelmed by this journey we call life.I did 7 years in the Navy and though it was not a perfect fit for me (issues with authority figures) I will never bad mouth it because it did a lot for me, It taught me to be a Man and take responsibility for my actions (which reinforced what I had been taught by my family). It also put me in a position where my specialized technical experience with Machining and Electroplating meant something to an employer and though I never went to college it did not matter because I had real world experience that gave me the ability to secure myself a good job which has turned out to be a better situation than I ever imagined I would find myself in. At the moment I live in Silverdale WA (Kitsap co.) and though it is a very Cool place to be, I miss my Sweet Home Virgilina...I am having a lot of fun discovering the local music scene and hanging out with friends both new and old as I tread the winding less traveled trails of this path called Life. If you see me around make sure you say Hi, I'll buy you a drink and maybe even shoot a game of pool with ya. Till we meet either for the first time or again, this Dude abides.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !