I am an ex-drug addict/dealer who has found recovery and with that I've involved myself into church, 12step work, and voluntering. I am grateful to be blessed with an awesome family, friends, and girlfriend. I am going to school to be a physical therapy assistant and would like to later become a physical therapist. I am currently attending austin community college and want to transfer to a university most likely texas stated but might try for U.T. boo horns I am an Aggie fan but like Austin alot. It is my home for now. I like video games but no time to play them anymore my schedule is constantly going but its fun I enjoy trying doing things considering taking ball room dance soon think it would be fun. I like to freestyle I know I am whie but look at Eminem. I like to play pool alot I am alright at that but want to get better I do want my own pool table when I get a a house. I like to meditate and exercise: run and lift weights. O ye getting Buff j/k. THATS ALL FOLKS!