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I am here for Friends

About Me

if I only knew!
Grunge Retro Layout and more Myspace Layouts at

My Interests

Dancing, sushi, music, new love for creating art,pictures, and ducks.

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

ponies. . .

adopt your own virtual pet! .. -- -- -- -- BEGIN bunnyhero labs pet code --


This is going to be excessive. Friends and new interests: CAPTAIN OF INDUSTRY, Punchline,Blackbox, CocoRosie, June, Jupiter Sunrise, The Drastics, Vacation Bible School, Split Habit, Less Than Jake, EVERYONE ELSE.... Enon, Uncut, Dresden Dolls, The Slackers, The Vines, The Hives, The White Stripes, The Beatles, The Cars, The Clash, The Ataris, The Casual Lean, Bjork, Alkaline Trio, Squirell Nut Zippers, Brand New, Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphy's, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Home Grown, Petty Booka, Sublime, Bleach, Outkast, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, Cherry Poppin Daddies, Missy Elliott, No Doubt, Green Day, Blink 182, Thursday, Taking Back Sunday, AND Mark Farina, TheoG, Jeremy (cause I don't know your "dj name", Miss Honey Dijon, Tortured Soul, DJ Heather, Mark Grant, Little Louie Vega, Alec Empire,Disel Boy, Blaze,most jungle... drum and bass, little metal (meaning I probably don't realize thats what it is), and NO country (even though I know some songs thanks to my mom)... plus crap i don't know the names of the bands of... like 80's music.... which is hot in its own quirky kinda way.


Kenneth Branaughs Hamlet (not mel gibson's, you can't make a 4 hour play a 1 1/2 hour movie), The Exorcist, any Pixar movie, Run Lola Run, Kill Bill (all of them, as a matter of fact, any Quiten Tarentino movie), Silence of the Lambs, ALL Johnny Depp movies (even the ones that don't exist yet), and I have a reasonable tolerance for no brainer comedies like super troopers, and stray from romantic comedies because i hate crying in public.... it makes my face all blochy. :P


I am usually addicted to the Discovery Channels, Animal Planet, and the History Channel.... with a smidgen of MTV when they play videos that don't suck.


Devil in the White City (a must read for Chicago fans) The Vampire Armand, The Witching Hour, Christopher Moore books: Fluke, and Lamb, and always enjoy some Alfred H... or Edgar A. Poe.


Wonder Woman, Bjork (cause she can haul ass on paparatzi... : ) and ducks.

My Blog

i keep this here for a reason

I think...its a last ditch effort to get my attention. My space was a great way for me to grab onto people that I don't normally see.... but just in case you can't tell I don't get on here to often. ...
Posted by Sarah on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 05:36:00 PST

Do it Do it.... ok fine.

Updates and thoughts will be random... I will not bother with every occurance since my return from Miami, hell I don't even know what I am about to write. I just feel a slight compulsion to write dow...
Posted by Sarah on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 01:15:00 PST


Not only do I still hate the state of Florida, but Miami is the biggest waste of money EVER. I am not saying that I didn't have moments of enjoyment... but it wasn't awe inspiring, and it is definate...
Posted by Sarah on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 06:29:00 PST


I still love chicago better. I have been here for one night. We were slightly stupid and decided to order pizza, and low and behold it sucked complete ass. Soggy really thin crust barely any tomato...
Posted by Sarah on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 05:31:00 PST

Wow its been a severe minute

sorry peoples.  I am retarded without internet still.  But to catch everyone up... My b-day was awesome. I still have the same job. Still no car. Still no internet. I bought some new clothe...
Posted by Sarah on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 02:07:00 PST


This last weekend 4 good friends of mine and I traveled to Detroit to Movement (Demf).  The music was fabulous, I was able to finally reacclimate myself to my "dancer" roots... and also realized ...
Posted by Sarah on Wed, 31 May 2006 10:23:00 PST

DETROIT TIME!! Demf is here

so tomorrow afternoon me and my peeps are leaving for Demf.  I personally am a Demf virgin, but you know its not that big of a deal I suppose.  It will be a good break to get away to dance f...
Posted by Sarah on Fri, 26 May 2006 04:21:00 PST

And the Winner IS (of the reason my apt was on fire)

TOM!! you are the winner of "the why my kitchen was on fire" contest:  I didn't post it as a contest, but several people responded, and your the best!  Your consilation prize is: the memorie...
Posted by Sarah on Wed, 24 May 2006 06:24:00 PST

Brighter Spirits.... like Vodka

It has come to my attention that I need to drink more.  I have no tolerance what so ever... one glass and my toes go numb.  But at least I am a cheap date. The appreciation of people respond...
Posted by Sarah on Tue, 16 May 2006 01:26:00 PST

HOT Kitchen and the mystery of the Copper Tea Pot

Soooo we had a kitchen fire.  Yup, the back half of our Kitchen burst into flames of hell.  Below is the list of events that conspired since Monday you tell me if this makes ANY sense at all...
Posted by Sarah on Fri, 12 May 2006 07:20:00 PST