kino profile picture


You have just destroyed one model XQJ-37 nuclear powered pansexual Roto-plooker....and you're gonna

About Me

MySpace Profile Editor...I love music, I play in two bands, one is 60's-garage-surf and the other is Blues . I play drums (lately trying to make my own custom builds as hobby) and I'm also learning some piano. Rehearsals and gigs are one of the best moments of the week :-)
I like going out of Madrid -weekends-...Toledo, Soria, Gijon, Valencia.. and other places in Spain. I also enjoy very much long walks by the countryside, and observing Nature. I dig very much certain japanese,chinese and oriental culture-philosophy-calligraphy but I'm really at the very beginning of it. Love travelling -when I can afford it-,I've been in different parts of the world (and would like to see the most of it). I also enjoy experiencing different cultures and ways of living. I also like very much animals, specially dogs, they have ever been my best friends...I'm also very attracted by dolphins :)
I'm here to meet interesting people, share life views, blogs, pics, etc.

My Interests

Music: Drums, Piano Sports-Disciplines: Aikido, Katsugen, Pool, Swimming, Mountain-Bike, callygraphy . Computers: Internet, Sun Solaris, Blogging, Sysadmin stuff, etc. Assorted: Travelling, Cookin' (chinese, indian, spanish, italian, morocco, turkish, greek), Reading, Movies, Animals, etc.
Help dogs in Madrid
Amnistia Internacional
Action Against Hunger
China/Tibet 2005 with Juantxo
Travel pics

I'd like to meet:

Musicians, REAL people


Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Buddy Guy, Junior Wells, Jimmy Dawkins, Son Seals, Hound Dog Taylor, Charlie Musselwhite Freddie king, Albert king, Otis Rush, RATM, Red hot chilipeppers, Def con dos, John Coltrane, Sex Pistols, Ramones, Dead Kennedys, Sepultura, King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Antonio Machín, T-Bone walker, Miracle workers, The Sonics, The Remains, Music Machine, Stooges, Arthur Brown, Frank Zappa, Charlie Parker, Maceo Parker, Velvet underground, Beatles, Rolling stones, U2, Pixies, Black sabbath, Led zeppelin, Stray cats, Javier Krahe, Christie Moore, Prof. Longhair, Dr.John, Pinetop Perkins, Big Soul, Motorhead, Crystal Method, Fatboy Slim, The Bellrays, Prodigy, Martin Medeski & Wood, Elastica, Blur, Stanton moore, Galactic,Gene krupa, Propellerheads, Billie Holiday, Aretha Franklin, Taj Mahal, Koko Taylor, Los Reyes del K.O, Red House, Wau y los arghs!,Los Bastardos, Cromosoma 3, Tonky blues band, Elvis presley, Bob Marley, Santana, O'Funkillo, Robert Johnson, La Excepcion, John Scofield, ...Cuban&Brazilian music and percussion ...Classical...and tons more...


Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter...Spring, Goodfellas, Pulp fiction, Reservoir dogs, Kill Bill, Fargo, Big Lebowsky, O'brother, Dogma, Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing amy, Evil dead, The exorcist, L.A. Confidential, The Godfather, Malas calles, Dogville, The idiots, Celebration, Accion mutante, El dia de la bestia, The good, the bad, the ugly, For a fistfull of dollars, spaghetti western movies, Dirty harry, Snatch, Memento, Cube, French Connection, Shogun assasins, Los 7 samurais, Zatoichi, Brother, Violent cop, Sonatine, Smoke, Blue in the face, Do the Right Thing, 25th. hour.......etc.


not much: La bola de cristal, Simpsons (old episodes), Futurama, Northen Exposure, Miami vice, Mike Hammer


The exorcist, 1984, Fear will do it, La conjura de los necios, Siddharta, Biogafias, Jose Saramago, R.M. del Valle Inclán, Franz Kafka, H.Noguchi, I.Tsuda, E.A. Poe, G.Orwell, Perez Reverte, Eduardo Mendoza, Lao Tse....
Comics (R.Crumb, Corben, Boris Vallejo, Shelton (Freak bros., Fat freddy's cat, Not quite dead), El Vibora,Predicador, Others...),


Not really heroes, but people whom I admire:
Marx Bros., Frank zappa, H. Noguchi, I.Tsuda,M.Ueshiba, Javier krahe, R.M. Valle Inclan, my dogs

My Blog

Activismo en Internet - Cyberactivism

Una buena herramienta para hacer oir voces colectivas de una manera mas constructiva que los boletines, cadenas de mails, etc. (no acaban de cuajar en beneficios visibles y generan un tráfico a la la...
Posted by kino on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:36:00 PST

Más acerca del tiempo

Más acerca del Tiempo El tiempo visto desde el punto de vista de una gran ciudad parece transcurrir mucho mas rápido que en el campo; en la ciudad todo son prisas: Por llegar al trabajo, por coger el...
Posted by kino on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 03:11:00 PST

Llueve en Madrid

SoledadIncomprensionCulpaConfusionDudaHuidaFrioMiedo -de nuevo- al amor, a la religion, a la historia, a la familia, al cambio, al estancamiento, al hombreIncapaz de reaccionar, desolado, sin saber qu...
Posted by kino on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:17:00 PST

¿ A que tenemos miedo ? / What do we fear ?

A la vidaA la muerteA no ser aceptadosA vivir solosA no tener dineroA no tener amigosA ser nosotros mismosA no estar a la áltura de ciertas circunstanciasGracias a los medios de comunicación y en conc...
Posted by kino on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 06:26:00 PST

La Palabra

La palabraLas palabras surgen a raiz del deseo de expresarse de la mente, forman parte del mundo exterior, es a través de lo cual intentamos expresar o esconder los sentimientos reales interiores, de ...
Posted by kino on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 08:41:00 PST

Un dia más

Un dia másNormal, como cualquier otro, quizás un dia bueno si te levantas con esa sensación, o quizás estabas dentro de un sueño del que no querias despertar, o del que estabas deseando salir......en ...
Posted by kino on Tue, 30 May 2006 04:48:00 PST

El Tiempo - About Time

El Tiempo Esta reflexión acerca del Tiempo, esta inspirada en parte por unas palabras que al respecto dijo Serrat el otro dia en una entrevista, personalmente no es que sea un artista que me guste ...
Posted by kino on Wed, 17 May 2006 03:16:00 PST

El Miedo - Fear

El Miedo  Entrando directamente al grano, me pregunto si mi cara de matón corresponde a una vida dominada por el miedo, o si he forjado la cara de matón para protejerme de él. El caso es que h...
Posted by kino on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 05:26:00 PST