Name: Gun
Birthday: 03/23/73
Birthplace: Leominster, MA
Current Location: Leominster, MA
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 168
Hair Color: Brown - but fading
Eye Color: Blue
Heritage: Lots
The Car You Drive: Depends on the day
Weakness: Fear
Fears: Failure
Longest Relationship: 7 years
Best Friends Name: Lantz
Best Physical Feature: Smile
Country You Would Like To Visit: Australia
Age Lost Virginity: 16
Craziest Place You Had Sex: on the side of interstate during rush hour FAVORITES
Food: Anything spice
Drink: Diet Mountain Dew
Alcoholic Drink: Chickelob Ultra
Fast Food: Mickey D's
Animal: Dog
Singer: Eminem
Band: Anything HairBand
Movie: Ocean's 11
TV Show: Survivor
Movie Star: Edward Norton
Vacation Place: Holiday Inn Select Suites - Orlando, FL
Number: 17
Holiday: Christmas