Ice Cream, Palm trees, Music, Travelling.
People who are truthful, to others and most importantly to themselves.
Music is a pathless land. It creates a vibration that stimulates my creative side. I live for it, I'd die for it. All music has it's place and time. It's time and placement is vital to it's effectiveness........ I can groove to just about anything out there. Currently I've got a Michael Buble Cd, a Raggae (Shortcuts Mix) Cd and a Drum N Bass Cd (Bad Taste#2) in my stereo. Drum and Bass to me is like Grateful Dead to Dead Heads.
Treasure of Sierra Madre is my favorite flick.
Funny stuff. America's Funniest Home Videos is good, Bob Sagat hated his life.
Just read: The Game- Neil Strauss and Blinding Light- paul Thoreaux........Both very good.
people that overcome being handed a truck load of lemons.