Who Should Paint You: M.C. Escher
Open and raw, you would let your true self show for your portrait.
And even if your painting turned out a bit dark, it would be honest.
What Artist Should Paint Your Portrait?
Your They Might Be Giants Future by kimioftheorange
Choose your weapon:
Favorite They Might Be Giants song:
John Flansburgh will: eat bacon
John Linnell will: turn into a bass saxophone
They will know you as: Supercallifragilisticexpiallidocious
Marty Beller will give you: a dirty look
Quiz created with MemeGen !
The Beatles, They Might be Giants, Smashmouth, IceT, Fountains of Wayne, Nirvanna, Everclear, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Mozart, Beethoven
I love movies. Old ones, new ones, thrillers, horror movies, action movies, anime or animated, kid's films, movies for old codgers. My favorite movies include Brazil and It's a Wonderful Life, and Casablanca. I am also awfully fond of Mystery Men
I don't watch it. Normally, my son is watching, or my hubby is channel surfing.If the TV is free, I'd rather watch a movie or play Nintendo.Although, the Lost is very cool.
I am a voracious reader. I read a book a day, on average. Sometimes the books are average, also.Lately, the gems that I've discovered are "The Life of Pi", and "Howl's Moving Castle". "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" was excellent as well, and should be read by anybody interested in beauty.My favorite authors include J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, John D. McDonald, Robert Jordan, J.R.Tolkien, Edna St. Vincent Millay, David Brin, R.A. Heinlien, Asimov, and Lemony Snicket.
Which Simpson Character Are You?
Devbook Quizzes! !