First of all im from the pits of raising hell TARANAKI, NEW ZEALAND in aplace called NEW PLYMOUTH an a suburbcalled FITZROY im afully dedicated fulltime FINEARTS STUDENT also doing grarphics papers here and their which il befinishing end of next year so any you mofos want to hook me ajob up at the end of it let me know ahaha, Playingthe gat (guitar) rarking big noises up with the bros, Bassplayer Damo from INSIDEOUS,TT RYDER, CYNICALPLOY ahahai dont know what the other ones are you BANDWHORE YOU ahaha and OL Drummer rubber Joe from Insideous and Eugeneknown as kane doing abit of vocal work here and their chur I was the former Rythm guitarist for WRATH fornumerous years they are still ripping shiat up so check their page out i most ore than likey would been involvedwith the creations of the song structure musically so chur chur THC BRUTHAZ!! , I also started Surfing againshad abreak from this for 7years i did do it for 15years and started at the young age and have surfed with someof the best in New Zealand which are the bros THC !!chur chur an have returned back to the water CHUR CHUR themissing link in mylife feel so more grounded to the world now, Music, Cardio workouts and Weights, Art, K1fighting, Collecting Horror figurines and odd dark stuff , Tattoos , peircings, crazy punk hair styles old skoolstyles none of this EMO crap
Check out the Metal brothers and good friends "Imperious Rex" from the USA, TRUE FARKEN SPEED METAL!!check their page out and yack with the lads Hank & Nick these guys are friken cooooooool.......chur chur bros :o)
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