To understand self-esteem, it helps to break the term into two words. Let's take a look at the word esteem first. Esteem (say: ess-teem) is a fancy word for thinking that someone or something is important or valuing that person or thing. For example, if you really admire your friend because he volunteers at the fire department, it means you hold him in high esteem. And the special trophy for the most valuable player on a team is often called an esteemed trophy. This means the trophy stands for an important accomplishment. And self means, well, yourself! So put the two words together and it's easier to see what self-esteem is. It's how much you value yourself and how important you think you are. It's how you see yourself and how you feel about your achievements. Self-esteem isn't bragging about how great you are. It's more like quietly knowing that you're worth a lot (priceless, in fact!). It's not about thinking you're perfect - because nobody is - but knowing that you're worthy of being loved and accepted.And THAT'S the TRUTH!!!Self esteem is related to your self worth and your value. Building self esteem is a first step towards your happiness and a better life. Self esteem increases your confidence. If you have confidence you will respect yourself. If you respect yourself you can respect others, improve your relationships, your achievements and your happiness....So how do you KNOW if you have good self esteem??? Well, you can take this test!!!Self Esteem Test This self esteem test is extremely quick and simple, just answer TRUE or FALSE to each question (if you cannot answer 100% TRUE then answer FALSE - check below how to score):1. Other people are not better off or more fortunate than me 2. I accept myself as I am and am happy with myself 3. I enjoy socializing 4. I deserve love and respect 5. I feel valued and needed 6. I don't need others to tell me I have done a good job 7. Being myself is important 8. I make friends easily 9. I can accept criticism without feeling put down 10. I admit my mistakes openly 11. I never hide my true feelings 12. I always speak up for myself and put my views across 13. I am a happy, carefree person 14. I don't worry what others think of my views 15. I don't need others' approval to feel good 16. I don't feel guilty about doing or saying what I want TEST SCORE: Total number of TRUE answers you gave, EACH ONE POINT: 15-16 POINTS - YOU HAVE A HIGH LEVEL OF SELF ESTEEM ! 12-14 POINTS - NOT BAD BUT ROOM FOR YOU TO IMPROVE 8-11 POINTS - LOW SELF ESTEEM - IT'S HOLDING YOU BACK BELOW 8 POINTS - YOUR ESTEEM IS DRASTICALLY LOWWOW!!! You can also try this self esteem test at: remember: “Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.†-Maxwell Maltz
Don’t worry about me, focus on meeting your self. Let your self Shine!!!!
Anything that really, you know, lifts me up and makes me feel WONDERFUL!!!
7 Ways to Build a Better You, Wild & Wacky Bible Stories: All About Self Esteem, The Ultimate Low Self-Esteem Movie
Don’t watch TV, take a walk instead, let your mind focus on You, not on all those Hollywood types who you might be tempted to wish you were.
Breaking the Chain of Low Self Esteem, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 10 Days to Self Esteem, everything from the Life Rolls on Foundation...
The You in you.