Psychotic Genius profile picture

Psychotic Genius

Dangerous. Wonderful.

About Me

I made my myspace layout using

I hate describing myself, I never know what people wanna know. I've been told I'm cool, I've been told I rock, and I've been called a bitch. If you wanna know something, then just ask. I won't bite--unless you request it ~wink~ I enjoy a little bit of everything and I dislike just as much. My daughter rocks!

As much as I AM A FAN of music, I WILL NOT BE ADDING MORE BANDS TO MY FRIEND'S PAGE, unless I ask them. Please DO NOT ask me to ADD YOUR BAND. I rarely have time to go to shows, and being on dial-up, I don't have time to d/l songs either. Thanks.

"Shout at the Devil", you belong in
Motley Crue.

Which 80s hair metal band do you belong in?
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My Interests

I love music. I love movies. I would die if I could not read. I enjoy writing. I enjoy taking pictures. I'd be lost without my daughter. Everyone says "just do your best", but in parenting, how do you know what your best is? And what if it's not good enough? By the time you know, it's too late. I adore being online (most of the time). I'd be depressed without my driver's license. I am enthralled by the West Memphis 3 (WM3), they're innocent and I think the stepfather did it. I like going to concerts, but that's waning lately due to fundage and time. I like going to carnivals/fairs, just to see Jessi having fun. I wanna have sex on a balcony during Mardi Gras. I love to journal and would implode without that outlet. I love going to zoos and seeing all the animals--even the ugliest animals are interesting. I love animals, but cows are tasty. I love to read and/or watch things about true crime and serial killers. I collect skulls, skeletons, grim reapers...and dolphins and fairies. I have 6 tattoos and I want at least 4 more, but getting my back totally done would be awesome.

I'd like to meet:

A fuck buddy!! Okay, if it happens, fine. Otherwise, people who enjoy the same things I do, and some new things as well. Or a person who's "normal" (IE: no psycho exes, less than 5 children, family members in loony bins are okay tho), who is willing to let me help make them happy--who's not afraid to see what might happen. That being said, I'm not here to see how many people I can get added as my "friend". I'm here to meet people I normally wouldn't. The internet makes the small world even smaller. However, Gilby Clarke and Tommy Lee are also invited. =)


Saliva, Rock Star Supernova, Disturbed, Twisted Method (RIP), Soil, Death Angel, KoRn, Duran Duran, The Cure, Styx, Sevendust, Outkast, Gilby Clarke, Fear Of God, Iced Earth, Moonspell, Rob Zombie, Shadows Fall, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, Nevermore, Videodrone, Lenny Kravitz, Jim Croce, Fleetwood Mac, Kansas, Vivaldi, Stevie Wonder, Alice Cooper, Faster Pussycat, Guns N Roses, Black Label Society, Pantera, Super Joint Ritual, Alice In Chains, OLD Metallica, Stevie Wonder, Bob Seger, Crossfade, Rob Zombie, Coal Chamber, Elvis Presley, Cher, Otis Redding, Temptations, 4 Tops, pretty much a bit of everything


The Devil's Rejects, High Tension, True Romance, Prey For Rock N' Roll, Stigmata (I love Patricia Arquette), Bound, Traffic, Friday the 13ths, Back To The Future, Breakfast Club, 16 Candles, High Fidelity, Gun Crazy, anything with Gina Gershon, Jaws, Star Wars, all the Harry Potters, Freaky Friday (1977 & 2003), Bad Santa


ER, Survivor, all of the CSIs, Sylvia Browne on Montel on Wednesdays, History Channel, Medium. I don't watch much TV as this ALL I watch.


In the past 3 and a half years, I've read 153 books. There is an unending supply of books in this world and so many people that just never fucking read. I like all the Gregory McGuire books but I think WICKED is his best, Stephen King rocks and just about anything true crime related. I highly recommend THE DEVIL'S KNOT about the West Memphis Three.


I don't look up to people, they just let you down.

My Blog

I suck. Help me UNsuck

So I didn't pay bills last month, cuz well, I didn't wanna be broke-er. I was going to pay the bills with my NEXT check (not the one I got yesterday). Yesterday's check went directly into the landlord...
Posted by Shannon Magenta on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 09:43:00 PST

You do not know how depressing it is...

to think about the next four years. What could he possibly do to make it worse, I think. Then I realize... Develop on all the land that is currently protected. Go to war with North Korea and...
Posted by Shannon Magenta on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Free porn?

So my mom put the mail on my desk yesterday. Plastic, magazine, I just threw it in my bag and went to work... About 9pm or so, lull in work, and I decide to see what magazine it was (parent, child,...
Posted by Shannon Magenta on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

In case you needed some: Reasons NOT to vote Bush

This little snippet was from Rolling Stone .937, December 11, 2003: It's an old trick in politics: release bad news when no one's watching. No wonder the Bush administration announces so many of it...
Posted by Shannon Magenta on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

well fuck goddamnit

Just found out my cousin Corey died. My cousin I used to babysit. He was like 28 or something. Apparently he was helping his "friend" cut down a tree. No one checked to see where he was, tree fall...
Posted by Shannon Magenta on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I did it

No, not that. Or even that. I sent the email to the stalker boy. It said, verbatim: I've been thinking a lot about this and becuz it's easier for email than phone for me, I'll do it here. I d...
Posted by Shannon Magenta on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

So...once again...I think I've decided something....

I've been thinking about my stalker guy that's not really who I still haven't met yet. Few points to make to make me think clearer on the situation. I don't want to have one more person that I feel...
Posted by Shannon Magenta on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


The show was over at like 10:20pm. Complete with surprise fireworks from a block over, but it went so well with the show. Anyway, just wanted to say this was so motherfucking awesome to see Jessi ...
Posted by Shannon Magenta on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I really think I'm crazy

I'm very very lackdaisical this week. That's my new word. I've never even said the word out loud unless I was reading, but I said it tonight on the phone to Mandy. It just describes me perfectly! lac...
Posted by Shannon Magenta on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

So I've been thinking...

as I sit and play Minesweeper at working, all I do is think--of one thing or another or maybe 3 things kinda all at once, but I've been thinking nonetheless. I don't want a relationship. The whole ...
Posted by Shannon Magenta on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST