Tryna Graduate from Cal State with my BA as soon as possible so i can start makin dat paper... chillin at da house watchin movies.... going out every once in a while to party..... playin volleyball or baseball wen ever i get the chance......
CHRIS BROWN DAT NIGGAS HOTTTTTTT....... an my fairy godmother hahah mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJavaScript="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"
What Zentoria Means
Z is for Zingy
E is for Elitist
N is for Nice
T is for Tough
O is for Outgoing
R is for Revolutionary
I is for Intelligent
A is for Adventurous
What Does Your Name Mean?
DUMB AND DUMBER is the bestest, WEDDING CRASHERS, THE X-MEN MOVIES, SPIDERMAN MOVIES, BEARFOOT GEN, ALEINS all of them, CLOSER dats a real ass movie, BABY BOY, SCARFACE which i just watched for da first time..... and a lot more...
the SIMPSONS eat my shorts bitch!! family guy is funny as hell too! DRAGONBALL Z BABY GOHAN I LOVE U, SAILORMOON is the best ever, and of course X-MEN the best comic turned cartoon!!!! BASCIALLY CARTOON NETWORK AND DISNEY CHANNEL AHAHAH!!!
anything by V.C.ANDREWS
MY PAPA CUZ HES ALWAYZ THERE FOR THIS BABYGIRL!!!----------Rouge and Gambit from X-Men, cyclops can kiss my ass! Goku and Gohan thanx guys........ Oh yeah and our wonderful president.... Bush... yeah the fuck rite bitches he can go suck a big one