ERmm...Me??...juSt a SiMpLe GirL thAt alWayz matcH with PurpLe color....i do Love enGLish musiC...MariAh CaRey ALwayz b my first choiCe....huhUU.....i Like to SLeep..ZZZzzz...DAmn Best!! asaM2...and jUnk fOoD...LovE to JaLan2 untiL forGet bouT my swEEt yellow BushUk PiLLow at homE...i syG my LiL sista a LOt thO she alWayz col me "BangAng"...n i aLwayz col her "Vampire of d HeLL"...uweeeYY.....
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
mEEt my fWEnz...coZ...oNcE i sat DoWn n hv a ChAt wif tHem,i caNt stop Laughing n taLking....(*_*!!)...cutE lol....n One Lady that i Want to meet...MariAh CarEy..huhuuu...she's hOt.....