I am Barry. I am smart. My brain is going like a runaway train 24 hours a day. I have had tests done by doctors to prove it. I have a ridiuclous IQ. I'm probably smarter than you. This also makes it difficult to deal with average people. It also means I get bored easily and don't apply myself like I should, which is why I'm not busy curing cancer or inventing warp engines. The irony is not lost on me.
Only recently have I begun to accept my genetic heritage and see things from on high as I should have for so many years past. I blame society and a poor educational system for not allowing me to achieve my potential early. I now resent the population at large for being the talking monkeys that they are. Chances are you are one of them. Sorry. Genetics is a crapshoot.
Myspace is stupid. No website has contributed more to the dumbing down of the internet than this one. The rise of social networking has forced me to maintain a presence here. I log into this thing once a month to check my email and possibly reconnect with people from my past whom I do not consider to be talking monkeys, and even some that I do, if just for amusement and/or closure.
My real website: ( omnibuscortex.com )