Why Try 2 Fit In, When You Were Born 2 Stand Out profile picture

Why Try 2 Fit In, When You Were Born 2 Stand Out

♥Are You Drink, Drank, Drunk Tonight?!♥

About Me

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!
You Have Many Alpha Tendencies
You're not a total alpha female, but you certainly know how to - and like to - get your way.
You're forceful without being intimidating. You're confident without being vain. A perfect mix. Are You an Alpha Female? ♥ To all you little immature girls, my profile is public for a reason, I don't give a shit if you loook at it... I just think it pretty pathectic that you "hate" me that much but you take the time out of YOUR day to look at my page and send ME immature threatening messages... just wait to see where karma gets you! So to you, I am glad that you are obsessed with me that much... go, on read my profile, eat your immature hearts out!♥♥If you want to know more about me than I have displayed, then my aim screen name is: CrookedLowDebs... So hit me up on that♥♥I am the kind of girl who'll break the silence by bursting out laughing over something that happend yesterday!"♥♥Her tongue has bite marks from the things she never said...♥♥Don't waste your breath if all you are going to do is lie.♥♥Look into the mirror... Do you like what you see?! Look past the physical appearence... look into your personality and emotions... would you want to be friends with yourself?! Do you treat others the way that you would want to be treated?! I like who I am... it's taken going through a lot though to get to where I am. I don't put up with any shit from anyone... if you are pleasant to me, then I will be to you... I don't let others walk all over me, I tell you exactly how I feel and what is on my mind, if you don't like it, would you rather me lie to you?! If you are going to lie about who you are, there's no point in trying because eventually, your lies will be seen through... the truth prevails! I learn from my mistakes, not anyone elses... My friends are my world so get use to it, if you want me, my friends come along... I care about my family even though they get on my nerves... but that's just because I need to move out... I have tattoos and piercings, I love to go off-roading...I smoke, I drink, I kick it... I like to have a good time... I work at a preschool, during the week and go to school at night... so the weekends are my time to have a good time... This is me... if you want to know more, im me; my screen name is listed above in my profile...♥

My Interests

My motto:

I'd like to meet:

♥"I would like to meet the guy that is going to come along and push me up against his car and kiss me without any intention in stopping. I have not only broken hearts, but had mine broken too. I wish that I could just not care. I am scared and I don't want to be hurt again by the very words that have been spoken to me in the past. I've never been the girl that a guy could just not live without. I want to be that girl to that special guy for me. I want to be that comfort at the end of his day. The one that he goes to with his frustrations. I want my touch to be the touch that he longs for; and I want it to be my voice that he just cannot fall asleep without hearing. I know that I have so much to offer him, but for some reason... I've been overlooked."♥DO NOT STEAL THIS POEM, I wrote it and I will have your ass if I find my work on some high schooler's page... or even someone else's without out giving credit where credit is due.


I like all kinds of music from Christian to punk rock, from indie to classical, from counrty to rap, and from R&B to Pop, and finally, from Hip Hop to Reggae... if you want to know specifics, message me and I'll let you know!


What is there to say in this section besides, I love all movies... I know, some people want this whole long list this to see if we have anything in common, I hate to be the one to tell you, but I am a pretty simple person, and I like all kinds of movies.


I don't really watch televison... I am babysitting all day and when the t.v. is on, it is mostly kid's shows so I am on the computer... and when I am at home, I am either on the computer, or sleeping... Lame, I know... but that's my life as of right now... Oh, I do like to watch Friends and WIll and Grace when they are on, or on the DVDs...


I am not much of a reader these days, unless it is a children's book... but in the fall the only reading I will be doing is for my classes... With that said, I can't really give you a list in this section either... sorry to disapoint you!


As for this section, there are a few things I can say here... My mom for putting up with my punk ass for about 21 years... then there is my step dad... He took on me when he married my mom and he had three kids of his own, I can't even imagine how hard that is... but my biggest hero, is someone who can complete college without taking a semester to, "Figure out who they are." and actually do something with the degree that they earned!

My Blog

Yeah, OKAY.

..> 22 Mar 2007 10:22 P Just take her off. She is the stupidest girl I ever met. She is a drug addict pot head and has no life except her stupid ass little immature loser friends.Look at her profil...
Posted by Why Try 2 Fit In, When You Were Born 2 Stand Out on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 11:50:00 PST

My Horoscope for today!!!

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)You are comfortable when you can see the tangible effects of your actions and although some things are taking longer than you expected, at least you are seeing results. Trust...
Posted by Why Try 2 Fit In, When You Were Born 2 Stand Out on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 10:50:00 PST

So it's like this...

I wake up at 6:45 and take a shower... I go to put my pants in the dryer (because I like them warm), and my dad has stuff in there... so I politely (SP) take it out and take it to him in his room... a...
Posted by Why Try 2 Fit In, When You Were Born 2 Stand Out on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 07:19:00 PST

OMG, Rumer has it is such a good movie

So, I went and saw rumer has it with Lib and her mom. Damn, that is such a good movie... I totally wish that I had a guy that cared that much about me. My faveorite line in the whole movie was this, "...
Posted by Why Try 2 Fit In, When You Were Born 2 Stand Out on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 10:59:00 PST

SO, I got yet ANOTHER one of these

I choose to get a new myspace and delete my old pne because I don't need three, but I want one to just have my friends from home a few others. But I am looking to meet some new people also on this so ...
Posted by Why Try 2 Fit In, When You Were Born 2 Stand Out on Fri, 09 Dec 2005 08:08:00 PST