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Mind Labyrinth

About Me

Cos'è la mia musica?

Ascoltare la musica elettronica è come fare un viaggio attraverso i tuoi pensieri, i tuoi sogni, le tue paure e le tue angosce. E’ il liberare delle tue emozioni belle e brutte che siano e farle camminare accanto a te senza averne timore e paura.
Ti abbandoni ai tuoi stati d'animo e li combatti oppure fai di tutto per tenerli con te. Impari a prendere la vita per come viene, essere felici per le cose belle e imparare dagli errori senza avere rimpianti. Ascoltare la musica elettronica significa toccare posti inimmaginabili, afferrare i tuoi sentimenti e sentirne la consistenza, il profumo.... Fare musica elettronica significa crearsi la strada per il viaggio, determinare la partenza ma non l’arrivo…. Solo sentendo il battito del tuo cuore, ascoltando le mani che scrivono e la mente che lavora, puoi determinare quando il tuo viaggio terminerà ed allora puoi dire di aver vissuto intensamente te stesso e la tua vita.
Quando apri gli occhi conti il tempo che ti riporterà a fare un viaggio diverso….ma capisci che tutto quello che ci circonda è musica... ogni singolo suono è pura musica che rientra in armonia con il tuo corpo... Imparare ad apprezzare questi suoni, significa imparare ad essere in armonia con il mondo e con le persone che ti circondano... Bisognerebbe sempre vivere in armonia e anche quando nella nostra vita ci sono note "stonate" non importa, fa tutto parte di un'unica sinfonia che è solo da vivere....fino in fondo.
Un ringraziamento speciale va al mio MAESTRO Marco Nicola...

What's my music?

Listening to music electronic is like making a travel through your thoughts, your dreams, your fears and your angoscie. It is to free of your beautiful and ugly emotions that are and to make them to walk beside you without to have of fear and fear.
You abandon yourself to your states of mind you fight and them or you make of all in order holding them with you. It learns to take the life for as it comes, to be happy for the beautiful things and for learning from the regretted errors without having. Listening to music electronic means to touch unimaginable places, to seize your feelings and to feel of the consistency, the scent…. Making music electronic means to create the road for the travel, to determine the departure but not it arrival….
Only feeling the heartbeat of your heart, listening the hands that write and the mind that works, you can determine then when your travel will finish and can say to have intensely lived same you and your life. When you open the eyes you count the time that will bring back to make a travel to you various….but you understand that all what it encircles to us every single sound is music… is pure music that re-enters in harmony with your body… To learn to appreciate these sounds, means to learn to being in harmony with the world and the persons whom they encircle to you… It would always have to live in harmony and also when in our life there are " unsound" notes it does matter, ago all part of an only sinphony that it is only to live….completely.
A special thanks to my TEACHER, Marco Nicola


A dark room that ago gives to contour to an ignited night sounds that echo in Hush sighs that are overlapped in order to create sensuality soft a new music that is slipped into the folds of the sudata skin an acrid sapore that to the tact turns out bathed like a smooth and humid surface that it allows to slip sweetly and then more deeply shadows of hands air that moves suffocated voices like a broken song it wants that it is ignited hands that try a body body that tries mouth mouth that is fed covering a thin line made of meat and passion skin that sussulta to the contact of a language that one hides within the heat of places secrets in order to discover of the sapore the scent the consistency brains that are extinguished mouths that they make l' love before their bodies. A light that enters clandestine between the shutters illuminating what is left of those garments scattered on a cold pavement that ago from contrast with the heat that a pair of sheet emanates river basins that fit eyes that are watched drops of sweat from the forehead that trasuda excitation Breasts that like hills in flower they bloom covered from the fingers of a hand that it seems to design circles concentrate to us in order to enjoy their roundnesses of their forms of their morbidezza. Determined pushes and mouths untied in a dialogue fact of silenzi because the words are dictated dall' eros that in that moment it covets the bodies it takes and them it shakes them it makes them to gemere it makes them to enjoy it makes them to sigh it makes them urlare it makes them to free from every forbidden fantasy it makes them to roll in a sussultorio movement always more more and more hard till to lead in a last song of pleasure that ago from sonorous column to the breaths that are calmed to the eyes that are closed to the bodies that are detached in order to leave space then to a new dance that it resumes dall' beginning from that dark room that ago from contour to that night as soon as begun of that passion as soon as satisfied of those bodies that they do not have still enough and that they are met newly in order to still excite itself….

I SAY...
Im not a bad girl
or a nice girl
I am the wind
that make you blind
I haven't got a body
a blood meat body
I have the silence
in you like violence
Angel cries blood
tha rains down on you
that feel like drug
in your mind
in your brain
Touch of my wings
lift on my body
lick my only strings
in my mind
in my brain
People look me as a sinner
People look me as a lie
People look me with them fingers
People look me as I die
The way we walk every day
dangerous exciting hidden
The way I want to walk every night
discover my only true dark side
I'm not a bad girl
ora a nice girl
I am the earth
you can stamp on
as a your desire
that you require
I havent' got money
metal and bright money
I have only a passion
for your mind
and your brain
Stars make a figure
that dance behind your eyes
make a sort of insicure
and burn inside my lies
People look me as a good girl
People look me as a bad girl
People look me as a funny clown
People look me while i'm falling down
I say ....
I say.....
Im not a bad girl
or a nice girl
I put my feet on the sand
Letting my tracks on it
and let someome understand me
for what is happening around me..
I say....
Who are you?Don't you know me?

No, I can't see you

I'm always here...

Where are you?

Look at the mirror...

This is me...

Right.... I am you!

I don't understand... I can hear you...

Yeah, is your mind...

I feel me confused...what is this place?

Dont'you remember? Look around..

I see... a dark room, maybe a bedroom.
I see some wears...on the floor.
It seems someone was be here....maybe
a man and a woman....

Close your eyes...
let immages passing trough me...

What is mean?
Are you scared?


Be quite... I'm here with you,
You have me with you...don't be scared...
Take my hand...
Tell me... what do you see?

Well, the bad is undone...and..Oh my God!!!

What happened?

Blood everywhere.
Blood on bed
Blood on the floor
Blood on the wall...
Blood, to much blood....

Shhhhhhhhhh.... You killed a man....


You .... killed... a... man...
Your anger go out to your body, yesterday...
You killed a man....

This is not true!!!!! Why did I kill a man?

Becouse I am you...
and you are other different people...
I talk to you....
I breathe with you...
I am in your mind....
I am in your heart...
I am in your feelings...and thougs...
I am your new life....
Wake up....can you hear me?

Yes, but I won't!!!
Go out.... Go out from my mind!!!

It's too late....
Your mind is my mind and you is mine...
We are friends
I say you what you must do
I say you what you must think
I said you...yesterday...”Kill that man!!”
... and you did it!

I'm crazy.....

Yeah, is true... I'm your foolish...
In the mirror you see yourself,
and i said “I am you!”
I am your new nature....
Close your eyes....
Few minutes and you'll kill again...


Yes, You do it... you must do it....
Becouse I say you.... becouse I am you....
Look on the bed....
Yeah, right... take it....
Put it on your head.....
Shhhhhhhhhh don't cry......
Good night.....

Come to me
put yourself to naked
and take of your dressed
let them fall in your mind
I want to surrender me to you
to feel what you feel
touch your intimate depth
in the days to happen
ou say no but you do it
I say yes but you can't
we had to think of us before
before taking the road of the lie
you are the light of a candle
that illuminates my walk
you don't make me enough light to see
but you give me the courage for the next step
you are worried for me
don't disguise you behind this veil
it is easy to speak
but not as many to decide
And I'm here without word
and without mind
I let myself go
maybe I'm not ready to love.
This is The story of someone
who wants to change the world
This is a true story of someone
who wants to converted the world to love
There is a man
a gentle man
with a big smile
and a big soul
hidden in his world
and take part of the world
He's look well what is around him
There is a man
with true eyes
trasparent and
crystalline eyes
that also when is mouth
say nothing they talk for him
There's a man
with a dream
who belive in love
happy for this life
that has in your arms
all good things he needs
This man
is like a mirror
is what he reflects
He lives everything happens
He feel inside everything graze him
He's passion
He's a dictates sentence
He's a fortuitous geste
He's a brush that paints on a white cloth
a game of lights and shades
that alternate him in the mind
He's imagination
There is a man
that maybe is changing the world
that sows good feelings
waiting for that something grows
and buds for covering asphalt
of the joys of the life.
There is a man
that lives without regrets and
live with his insecurities
with his fragilities
and with his limits
He sees where others are blind
it feels where others are deaf
He is positiveness there where you
would be seen only negative
He is white on black
He is paper on which you can write
what the mind thinks and that the mouth would not say
He is a cloth transparent fact of air and perfume
if you lengthen the hand you don't feel the consistence
but you know that there is
if you look inside you see only what reflects
what it is
that it will be always
This is the true story of someone
that if he can't change the world
certain he will make it best
Because the world has need to live and to breathe...

My Interests


Member Since: 10/10/2008
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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