BULL RIDING, GOING TO CHURCH,BASEBALL ,AND GURLSwhat fighting style do you have?
Your a fucking lunatic! you dont care what you have to use or do as long as you win. youve never lost a fight in your life and you plan to keep it that way no matter what it takes. You need help mentally, seriously...
Take this testthis girl has my heart. she makes me feel like no other person has she gives me everything i need to be happy.she is the most intelegent and most beautiful thing i think god has ever created and i just thank him everyday for giving me such a wonderful thing to love and to cherish for the rest of my life. i always thought i could do without that i had every thing i needed until she walked into my life and showed me that there was something missing, and now that i have her i can truely say that my life is complete, i have everything i need to survive within her, she's all i need, i love you baby.;
I got my layout at CleanupMyspace.com | Free Myspace Layouts
My two favorite movies are "COWBOY UP" and "8 SECONDS"
My favorite t.v. show is CMT (country music t.v.)
for cowboys/cowgirls only!
ford or chevy? Ford
diesel or gas? gas
bulls or broncs? Bulls all the way!!!
wrangler or cinch? Wrangler
lace up or pull on boots? Pull on
Justin or H&H? JUSTIN
tail gating or line dancing? TAIL-GAITING
george strait or chis ledoux? CHRIS LEDOUX
mossy oak or real tree camo? MOSSY OAK
bud or coors? BUD
cope or skoal? SCOAL
do it for the buckle or the girls/guys? DO IT FOR THE BUCKLE TO GET THE GURLS
men belong in the... CHUTES
women belong in the... STANDS
beef or pork? BEEF
hunting or fishing? BOTH
drugs or jesus? JESUS
stetson or resistol? STETSON
bed of your truck or a motel? BOTH
texas or colorado? COLORADO
ropin or wrestling? WRESTLING
tatoos or scars? BOTH
weekend at the rodeo or weekend with the love of your life? WEEKEND AT THE RODEO
The patriot the soldier, The young and the old,The patriot the soldier, The young and the old, Protect our great country. They stand to be bold.Some protest in spite, Some riot in rage, Some scream "Peace and not war!" From the safety of their cage.But we who stand up For freedom to reign, Give all that we have, And expect nothing to gain.But the freedom we win, We give without fail. No crying or bitching, For WE have prevailed.We are the soldiers, Who give up our lives, Leave all that we know, To pay the ultimate price.Freedom is not free, It come with it's toll, And some never return, And leave their stories untold.I acknowledge the protest, The riots, the rage, And the ones given their freedom Without having to pay.But let it be known, Come rain, sleet or hail, The Marines are on call, To fight and die for your betrayal.Dedicated to the Patriot, the soldier, and especially to those who have spit upon the graves of MY FRIENDS who have died in this war. May God have mercy on your souls.