ßÄrßï profile picture


Ü..gEt a LiFe!..Ü

About Me


♥ ♥ dOn't ExpEcT mE tO be PerfECt 'cOz i aM nOt.. iT aiN't EaSy BeiNg Me.. I HavE mY MisTakEs, RegReTs, FaiLuRes, ShorTcOmiNgs aNd FeaRs.. BuT i Am sO DaMn ConTeNtEd For whAteVer LiFe I HavE nOw.. iT dOesN't MattEr wHeRe I caMe FrOm, mY titLe, mY schOoL oR mY FamiLy NaMe.. iT's aLwAyS My DiGniTy As a PersOn ThAt cOuNts.. YoU May SeE Me aS a StOnE, NoT a DiAmONd,, bUt i DoN't GivE a DaMn.. i Don'T LivE tO pLeaSe OthEr PeOpLe.. i KnOw wHo I aM.. hOw I caRe fOr PeOpLe i LoVe.. WhaT I ThiNk And WaY i FeeL.. Me, MysELf, I, BaRbaRa JoaN, BaRbi aNd baRb,, nOt PerFeCt,, buT JusT The WaY i WANT iT.. ;) TaH-TaH
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I'd like to meet:

..aNyOnE.. ..YOU.. [email protected].. ..oLd AnD NeW FriEnDs.. Ü..aNyOnE uLiT..Ü




WWE SoUtHParK F.R.I.E.N.D.S MiRmO dE pOn Fear Factor ETC UnwRaPpeD HouSE NiP tUcK GreY's AnAtOMy MTV MYX DesPeRaTe HouSewiVeS wOrLdS aPaRt.. x)rUgRaTs.. art attack.. spongebob.. baby looneytunes.. america's funniest home videos.. WWE CSI.. spy tv.. fear factor.. ripley's believe it or not.. maximum exposure.. american idol..

My Blog

pick the month

JANUARY: Stubborn and hard-hearted. Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught. Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize. Hardworking and productive. Smart, neat ...
Posted by ßÄrßï on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

(," iLoVeU iN 100 LanGuAgEs,, ",)

(I Love You) in 100 Languages !!! English - I love you Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief Albanian - Te dua Arabic - Ana behibak (to male) Arabic - Ana behibek (to female) Armenian - Yes kez sirumen Bambara ...
Posted by ßÄrßï on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I write these words to clear my mind. Every poem conceals a sign. A sign that only I can see, Therefore these poems are meant for me. Meant for me to help me out. There are so many things I worr...
Posted by ßÄrßï on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

101 ways to say iloveyou

101 Most Romantic/Passionate/Sweet Things To Do For Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend (101 steps to having a good relationship) 1. Watch the sunset together. 2. Take showers together. 3. Back rubs/mas...
Posted by ßÄrßï on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST