cee profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships

About Me

Myspace Layouts
W0dS dat dEscibE mhe..

-cetified pasaway...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

aNyonE unDer d' sUn...

anYonE cAn uNdrStand & acCept as me..


dAmN d'S iS riGht 4 mE..
i L0vE mUsic s0ooo muCh..
s0mEthiN dAt mAkEs mE rELax 0R gRo0vE in..
i l0Ve mAriAh's soNg,,
bLacK eyEd pEaSe..
kELLy cArcks0n,,
b0NethUgz & hArm0nY
aNd A l0t m0Re!!!br


..rEaly im nOt mUch On tv..
bUt anY pRograMs thAt mY bUllshiT eyES cAptuRed!?!
im pRefer mOrE on mUsic chAnEll,,cAnt live w/ oUt mY mUsiC woRLd..
rEmEmber tHat..

-mtV (aSia)
my miX (23)
-chAnnEl v


a href="http://www.slide.com/pivot?sk=4&tt=24&cy=be&am p;ad=1&id=360287970190938981&map=1"




actually no heroes but MY OWN IDOL IS MYSELF.. (ASTIG)
wH0 mHee?!?.. wEll iM'a tyPe of pErson wHo raELLy l0vE 2 siNg,,iN sh0Rt a mUsic dAmn l0vER..iM aLways upDatEd b0uT nEW iN mUsic woRld..i liKe plAyinG
biLLiads,,s0mEtimEs hAngiNg w/ mAh fRiends aT thE diSco bAr..wHen iM
At h0Me i ySed 2 rElAx bY wAtchiNg t.v. iN mUsic sTati0n..hahaha (AddiCteD..)

My Blog

pUsh thE buTTon

Push The ButtonPush the button [x4] I'm busy throwing hints that he keeps missing Don't have to think about it I Wanna kiss and Everything around it but he's too distant I wanna feel his body I can't ...
Posted by cee on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 05:26:00 PST

iM jUst zChEck!!!

8:39 pM... bAd 3p mOOd!?! iMMa bAd3p riGht nOw,,i dOnt kNow why..hiNdi cOh dPat mAramdaman..bUt iT eXciSt..thErEs nO rEasoN,,eVen nOt oFFiciAl..bUt whY aM i lYk d'S?..i h* this,,aM i SeLfiSh oR wAt?....
Posted by cee on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 05:21:00 PST

bCoZ Of y0U

wHy aM i So00 fuCkin cOnfUsEd thiS fAz fEw dAys? mY eyEs gEt rOlleD,,my hEad gEt aChiNg,,mY heArt iS breAking!! sO mAny qUestion kEepS pLaYinG On mY miNd,,yEt cAnt anSwEed! bUt 1 tiMe i fiNd mAh sElf ...
Posted by cee on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 07:26:00 PST

fEeliNgs cAnt cOntRoLLed!?!

-wHats d' riGht wAys 2 eScApE? -wHatS d' triGht wOrDs 2 sAy? -wHatS d riGht thiNg 2 dO? -wHen iS d riGht tyM 2 L0vE? -cAn wE chO0sE whOme 2 lOve? -aGE doEsnt mAttER, -stAtuS doEsnt mAttEr, -bUt fEeli...
Posted by cee on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 06:20:00 PST


well,,d0nt know wAt 2 sAy evEn wAt 2 do..im a littLe conFusEd oN wAt im goin 2 feeL oF,,i l0ve him bUt iM tiRed of doin thiNgs thAt doEsnt bE apPriciAted..sAcrificing on l0tS of things yEt isnT en0ugh...
Posted by cee on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 06:10:00 PST

wAcky zcHeck

zChEck!?! i g0T biG pRob bUt stiLL cAn hAve a stYlE oF wAckY.....
Posted by cee on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 06:03:00 PST