SwImMiNg 4 EaSt WaKe, GoInG tO tHe MoViEs WiTh FrIeNdS, hAnGiNg WiTh FrIeNdS, mY fRiEnDs: SyDnEy, kAtEy, AbBeY, bEcCa, SaRaH, tYlER, aNd ThE fAvS.....
PaRiS hIlToN, sArAh MiChElLe GeLlAr, SoPhIa BuSh, DaNiTy KaNe,aShLeY tIsDaLe, CaSeY fRoM tHe ChAlLeNgE, dAnNeEl HaRrIs....mostly anyone famous or that got connections!!
DaNiTy KaNe, FeRgIe, JaCk'S mAnNeQuInN, cAsSiE, gAvIn DeGrAw, ThE fRaY, lAdY sOvErEiGn, WALK IT OUTi can walk it out man!
SAW 3 It was me, Syd, Matt, Rebecca, Lauren, Abbey, and Meredith and we thought we were gonna die! Final Destination 3 me and Haley were flippin' out during the tanning bed scene, House Of Wax Poor Paris! She was actually smart in the movie! and any other scary movie and High School MusicalI kno it's retarded but Ashley Tisdale's in it....I aM sO eXcItEd AbOuT tHiS bLaCk ChRiStMaS mOvIe^ It LoOkS sO sCaRy PlUs I aUdItIoNeD fOr It!!
LaGuNa BeAcH,OnE tReE hIlL,ThE rEaL wOrLd/RoAd RuLes: ThE cHaLlEnGe: ThE dUeL,DeSpErAtE hOuSeWiVeS, gReYs AnAtOmY, dEgRaSsI: tHe NeXt GeNeRaTiOn, tHe SiMpLe LiFe, AmErIcAs NeXt ToP mOdEl I lOvE cArIdEe
As in books with like words?
Anyone that can survive a robotic shark that eats people who wear black!! that's a kewl answer right?