If that is the sort of thing you enjoy, than you probably would enjoy that sort of thing...UConn Mens Basketball. Stella Artois. hot dogs. eating annies mac and cheese with sugar snap peas. the words sugar, snap and pea. reading the paper and doing the crossword. being correct. String Theory. String Cheese. sleeping late. political debate. memory foam mattresses. outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes. gofugyourself.com. the onion. patting the jeffy and watching him dance. Evolution. watering and Watching flowers grow. collecting sea glass. sand in between the toes. sitting on the beach for long lengths of time. snarky comments over lots of French press coffee and smokes. kayaking. cartwheels. Useless information. Buttery goodness. log rolling down grassy hills. the little bearded man at the end of Shel Silverstein books. listening to music. a good baseplayer. making up songs about whatever. playing the harmonica badly. taking long walks off of short piers. saying the word Shizz. personality chameleons. candy. BIRI. being high on life and cargo shorts, Magic!
If you are a dreamer, come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher A liar, a hoper, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer, if you're a pretender come sit by my fire, for we have flax golden tales to spin, come in! Come in!
mayor bee!
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First rule of Book Club is, don't talk about Bookclub. Reading is fundamental.
The Nude Intruder. I know who you are, Ray Don.