astrology,physics, liquer...friends,peace,love, books, guitar,xylophone, my trumpet, going to shows.singing..i love everyone....i need to write and play music ..i do sound at the Modified and i work at a coffee shop'
Vinessa Shaw
AIR.mum,radio head,MWARD,sigur rois,Tom Waits,Cash,Willie Nelson,hank Sr.,anti-nowhere league,destruction,zep,floyd,jeferson airplane, Dylan,judas preist,...Curtis Maifield is my main man, screamers, New york Dolls,Captin Beyond, simon and garfunkle, doors, particle, the greatfull DEAD!!..Chubby Checker,Desmond Decker and the Ace's,Dr.john,The Medicane show and there DR.,RUSSELLE "SHOCKER" haha or shachercherrr..haha he's problly the best guitarist in AZ or the USA, at sea, mum,mono, the animals,...Zombies, Marvin Gaye, blues, the knife, bo-jangels,muddy waters,
the discovery science ch.
easy Lou Fead.....dive easy dive lazy...dive with you head not your back...this is a great book can be aplied to any hobby in your life
Mr. Vernes has me under the sea rite now haha
watch out its captin Nemo haha
haha my best friend...haha