Mikkokoo profile picture


About Me

I am looking for artistic collaborations. Feel free to mix one or more of the acapella tracks on the profile. Send them back to me I will upload them.'Today' is a demo of a French 60s originelle 'La Passionata' with a Spanish flavour, freely translated into English and sung by some Finnish fucker. It is about heterosexual males who think they're cool and fab and normal and everything needed to lead a 'proper' man's life and yes, I have fallen in love with them. But there is a line not to cross...'Get A Look' is penned by the legendary electro pop band The Most, words and music by Princess Julia and Luke Howard. Production by Kinky Roland.Below is 'Holster', song about loneliness, frustration and revenge. Written, played, composed and sung by Mikko. The video is an animation by Billy Gazard, bringing out issues on health, HIV and AIDS.And here's another video for 'Un(p)repa(i)red' which is a story of a lone soul who finds shine to life by doing to an unplanned look makeover. But you have to pay for it. So who's the real winner? This is gothic noise with a cheesy twist, inspired by all those fabulous John Waters' movies.

My Interests


Member Since: 08/12/2005
Band Website: http://www.myspace.com/mikkokoo
Band Members: Mikko (vox, sounds, everything) (and no, I am not the new TAFKAP ;-)
Influences: coffee breaks, confused grown up men, heterosexuals, streets in the early hours, upstairs neighbours, brown eyes, grumpy tarts, selfish people, guyz and grrlz with problems (don't we all...)
Type of Label: Unsigned

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