I want to meet someone that has the ability to kiss me back harder than I initially kissed him, someone who is there for me when im sick and there for me when i need to let out all my anger and frustation. Someone who enjoys listening as much as they do talking, someone who understands my needs and wants just as much as i understand his needs and wants, someone who i can look up to and not be afraid to spew my secrets and ambitions to, someone that i can look into their eyes and just let my mind wonder, with them sitting there staring me right back and knowing what im thinking, and someone who i can share my corny statements with and not worry about what they think about me*********He's the first thing I think of, Each morning when I rise*. .*He's the last thing I think of, Each night when I close my eyes*. .*He's in each thought I have, And every breath I take, My feelings are growing stronger, With every move I make*
**As we grow up, we LEARN that even the ONE person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably WILL. You will have your ♥ BROKEN probably more than ONCE and it's HARDER every time. You'll break hearts too, so REMEMBER how it felt when YOURS was broken. You'll FIGHT with your BEST FRIEND. You'll BLAME a new L.O.V.E for things an old one did. You'll CRY because TIME is passing TOO FAST, and you'll eventually LOSE someone you ♥ LOVE. So TAKE too many PiCTuReS, LAUGH too much, and L.O.V.E like you've NEVER been HURT, because EVERY sixty seconds you spend UPSET is a MiNuTe of HAPPINESS you'll NeVeR get BACK