GingerSnap! [John Weasel] profile picture

GingerSnap! [John Weasel]

Alright, It's just Shaun the Fish Man...

About Me

My name is
I'm sarcastic.
I'm hated.
I love it.
You cannot outlive me
You cannot live without me. You may call me Kait.
I'm ginger.
My friends call me GingerSnap or Kitty.
My Brother calls me Bean.
I have some of the best friends in the world.
I study Animal Management at college.
I'm dramatic.
I hate it when people are grammatically incorrect.
Eskimo Picnic?
I like destruction.
I like fire.
I drive a Fiesta.
I'm not up for whoring myself on MySpace.
I like Phish Food Ice Cream- Too much.
I'm happy with life.
I like sitting down by the river with my 2 best mates on a summers evening.
I like talking about the sharks in the river.
I love my metaphorical talks with Juddo.
I write lyrics, but I keep them to myself.
I like to perv on Lauren in tesco.
I like grapes.
College is the most fun I've had in years.
I spend my days off watching re-runs of Scrubs, 8 Simple Rules and Friends
Give me Eyeliner OR pink stuff, I'll be your friend
Give me eyeliner AND pink stuff, I'll be your best friend
Give me pink eyeliner, I'll be your lover.
Over and Umlaut
"My friend Kait- By Sofie "BrownAbout" Clements
My friend Kait is ginger, but I still love her for it.
My friend Kait sucks her thumb when she's tired, it is cute & I just want to cuddle her!
My friend Kait takes me for drives when I'm down.
My friend Kait like the food I have in my house.
My friend Kait likes to EAT the food I have in my house.
My friend Kait gives me adivce on things.
My friend Kait tells me when I'm being stupid.
My friend Kait likes to think she can beat me at Guess Who, when really I am ZE master & I let her win (=S)
My friend Kait & I like to go visit people in Homebase & pretend to buy house hold items, wearing white masks (just me) getting followed by Black secrurity guards, who blatently jsut followed us 'cause I'M black!
My friend Kait has a cute little laugh.
My friend Kait is SMALL.
My friend Kait has the best figure but thinks she has fat! (Dick'ed)
My friend Kait is my friend.
My friend Kait is my best friend.
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My Interests

I Like:
My Mates
My College
Pink Stuff
Playing crap songs in my car
Karl Pilkington
Hugo Boss
My Brother
Naked Dancing

I Don't Like:
Horror Movies
Hard Work
People being upset
When jokes are funnier in my head
Being called "Katy"

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet someone who:
Is caring
Loves me for who i am
Makes me smile all the time
Isn't afraid of looking like a bit of a fool for a laugh
Stands by me whatever
Hugs me like they mean it & never wants to let go
Laughs at my jokes
Holds my hand through whatever
I can just fall asleep on
Doesn't think less of me when I do something stupid.


If you can dance to it, I'll listen to it.
If it makes you happy, I'll listen to it.
If it makes you sad, I'll listen to it.
If it's drum and bass, I won't listen to it.


Of Mice and Men.
The Shawshank Redemption.
The Usual Suspects.


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Of Mice and Men.
Dave Pelzer Trilogy.
The Curious Incedent Of The Dog In The Night Time.
Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging and the other Georgia Nicholson books.


My TRUE Friends.
My Spice Girls (Lauren, Brown, Sary & Lissy)
William "too cool for myspace" Stannard.
This Guy:

This guy means the world to me, he is one of my best mates. He's always been there, and promises he always will. He cheers me up when i'm down and Calms me down when i get hyper. He makes me laugh, makes me smile and makes me realise when I'm making a mistake. He's amazingly talented, smart, arrogant and loving. He couldnt hurt a fly. But, he sucks when it comes to arguing with me. I love you Juddo, cheers for everything.

My Blog

To my spice girls.

To my spice girls, who without them, my life would be incomplete. Lauren Hamilton- We've had our ups and downs, our fall outs, our fall downs (mainly in the playground at school, knocking me out!) but...
Posted by GingerSnap! [John Weasel] on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 05:26:00 PST


Yeah, so the idea was stolen from Brownabout, but the idea is cute, so i'm doing it too.   Basically, just tell me all your memories that we have together. comment away my pretties!  x...
Posted by GingerSnap! [John Weasel] on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 02:10:00 PST

Girlfriend/Boyfriend Application Form

Fill it out, just for fun.   Whats your Name:Sex:Age:Birthday:Location:Sexual Preference:Height:Weight:Body Type:Eye color:Hair Color:Favorite Bands:Favorite Movies:Religion:Smoke?:Drink?:Drive?:...
Posted by GingerSnap! [John Weasel] on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 01:41:00 PST