netta;X ♥ profile picture

netta;X ♥

I am here for Friends

About Me

I'd introduce myself but you already know who I am..
Life is one big party! My girls & I are the ones being loud as fck & having a blast
&& yep momma loves us..
..if you let me, you won't regret me... shit if you let me, you won't forget me...
☆ {nett;X}
& You'll never meet anyone quite like me. I'm much more complex than you may think. I'm one fascinating bitch, I'm not going to lie. I'm beautiful cause I know my flaws, I'm wise because I have been foolish, & I can laugh because I have known sadness. I'm the type that can be soo hurt but still look at you and smile. The type of girl who is willing to brighten your day even when i can't brighten my own. I don't forgive cause I'm weak, I forgive because I know that we all make mistakes. ☆I'm a firm believer that sometimes it's right to do the wrong thing.☆ I believe that everything happens for a reason, people change so that you learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them more when they go right. I'm not here to impress you and I won't change who I am for you, You're not worth it. I love my family more than anything; I have the tendency to do and say things when I want to; why? Because I can, & you want to throw down with me because i'm THAT awesome. I'm happily content & apparently you h a t e that. You know you won't know me unless you talk to me. What can i say? I'm unique I'm not like other females. I'm me & this is my page.
★ Be YOU, say what YOU feel, because those who mind DON'T matter, & those who matter don't mind.
I do all types of retarded shit. I can't change the way I think && I can't change the way I am. But if I offended you? Good. 'Cause I still don't give a fck. -eminem
Take nothing but photos; leave nothing but footsteps; & kill nothing but time... because here's to the nights that turned into mornings; & the friends that turned into family .. {♥} .    
call me whatever you want i'll just call you jealous =D

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