FAVE THINGs: Rainy dayz, Trust, bein me, Family, friends, MuSic, JuiCe BoXes n CoOkIes, LaUgHinG, SlEePiNg *sIgH* I CoUlD SlEeP FoReVeR haha argh not lately thoe..., COFFEE! aahh I need my coffee,dryers are fuckin god!! that warm feelin from ur clothin/blankets nuckin futs I must say!!, Mini tents :)uu all know wha for don't act stupid!!,Frozen food ohh buy me pizza pops n I'll fuckin luv u forever!!oor until I'm out of them, ThE spoT, Camping, Fishing....lol whaa do u expect I live in fackin Rupert!!!, felt markers I'd die without em, glue, toasters are fucking amazing, my mad fire making skillzz wit starch cans or anythin really but starch cans holy shit u should see it fuckin awesome, ufc! I luv ufc anything that has to do with martial arts fighting... I blame it on being in tae kwon do oo!! oo!! which reminds me I'm a first degree black belt oo n I love to fucking fight cuz u know sometimes u juatt feel like beating a bitch :)haha kiddin kiddin*or am I?! ahh I luv it , brit n her crazy ways haha ohh the things we have planned eh brit, hmmm ahh I like alot of shit toooo much to name really..... HATES: RuPerT RuMoRs, ThaT StUpId LoVe FeeLiNg (yes i have issues), getting attached to things to quick... damn i gotta work on that, smOoTh TaLkErS, xbox tetris... god it totally defeates the whole purpose of tetris thoes bastards, dee n her freaky fingers, n ppl who eat my lip gloss *cough*dee*cough*, n fucking stairs!! KNOWN FOR: BeinG Stupid, Making an ass of myself, Speaking whats on my mind, Being RaNdOm, Eating weird things, Being weird n mouthy I swearr wayyyy to much but ooooooo the ones that knoe me u all luvvv it haha, n talking wayyy to much I can talk talk talk talk talk forever unless im just meeting someone for the first time then woa am i ever quiet hahah so ya im pretty much crazy lol n if ur not like me we probly wont get along ;)
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