THIS IS A MEMORY OF LINDA 5/23/49 - 8/19/07. HER DAUGHTER AMANDA, IS MAINTAINING THIS PAGE.I am from the great state of North Carolina... I was born & grew up here... I come from a very large family... I have 7 sisters, some sweet, some shy & some downright crazy (haha)... Met my husband Paul & we lived here for 6 years, our daughter Michelle & our 3 angels in heaven now, Dawn, Leslie & Tina were born here... Then we moved to Paul's family home in California, daughter Amanda was born & Michelle got married there, we lived in California for 17 years. Then Paul, Amanda & I moved to Oklahoma, we lived there for a year when I lost Paul suddenly... Amanda & I moved back home &
I met my husband Dean who has twin daughters, Rita & Nita.
Together we have 8 grandchildren, C. J. (in heaven) Charlinda, Paul, Samantha, Cole,
Eric, Darren & Alisha...Dean I now live on the land where I was born. Life is grand!OUR FAMILY