Ma BIG BROTHER MARK ANDREWS A.K.A MARCUS...I LOVE this man wit ALL ma HEART. I truly think he is a blessin from god. He is the most honest person that i know and this is a fact. If u ever need advice he is there for u. No ONE can take ur place n ma heart. He is one of the reason y i am who i am today.... I LOVE U! Ma Beautiful big sister SHARRON ANDREWS A.K.A TRON..I LOVE her sooo much. She has a major impact on ma life. WE are only a min or so apart but i feel like she is muCh older than me. I look up to her because she is positive and goes after wat she wants n life. I no her like the back of ma hand and im sure she feels the same bout me..THERE WILL NEVER b another person quite like U ...I LOVE U! Ma Lil Cousin DJ..he funny as hell..Everytime im around him we stay laughin. We hella close and he like a brother to me so DNT FUK wit him!!OFFA that note we stay hittin it at his house makin up dance steps and kant nobody see US!lol..LOVE u DJ and dont change fa NODODY!thats REAL..