So this is what Sexy looks like... profile picture

So this is what Sexy looks like...

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Born in Alaska, lived there until my senior year of highschool. I AM Northern Exposure.
Then Guam. Minister and techie. Then Japan. Graduate student and all-around anthropologist. Now Atlanta. IT recruiter and pinball machine musuem proprieter.
I am famous in Australia (scroll down to the video/interview), HUGE in Japan and the sole reason the cattle industry remains profitable. I've been everywhere, love everyone and am kind of an intellectual snob.
My family is very important to me, and I'm a gamer. Yes - I admit it. I'm a gamer and I like Star Trek. I have a fauxhawk and love house and trance music. It's true.
Oh - and I'm a minister. 20 years and running. Working on getting over 1 billion souls saved.

My Interests

Pinball, Arcade Games, Trance Music, Computers, L2, MMORPGs, Reading, Tattoos

I'd like to meet:

Well, all my Myspace friends of course -- Who else would I want to meet that I don't already know?
Actually, I'd really like to meet Oral Roberts before he dies.



Hifana - Wamono
Wamono means "Something Japanese" and is an interesting combination of shamisen [link] (which I wish I knew how to play) and other traditional Japanese music styles set to a modern beat backing. I showed one of my Japanese coworkers and he was disturbed by the combination - I how, however, am intrigued and love it. Of course I love electronica & raves.
Thanks SIM one [link] for posting this song on your profile and introducing them to me.
I double dog dare you to press play - if your like me, you'll not only do it once.

Sugar Soul - Garden

When I was flying from Guam to Japan to begin my schollarship I watched the video directly above from SugarSoul on the airplane for the first time. I think more than perhaps the total quality (which I still think is great) it is the nostalgia I feel listening to this song that makes it very cool to me. It was one of those things that happens and is a marker of a time of change in my life.
I know that probably most of you can't understand the Japanese lyrics [link] , but you can see the translation here [link] . The rapper is "Dragon Ash" - and while i'm not a rap fan at all, he did go on to be pretty famous.


Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Empire Records, Office Space, Botherhood of the Wolf


Aynn Rand, Robert Jordan, C S Friedman, more later

My Blog

Random thoughts on a monday morning... aka my response to the 5 reasons

So, I've some new ideas that keep popping into my head as I'm driving.  Of course this only causes me to almost crash as I'm scrambling for a pen and a random sheet of paper to write it down on.....
Posted by So this is what Sexy looks like... on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 07:37:00 PST

Starbucks - Makes me angry, VERY angry indeed

(I have another response from $tarbuck$ which I have pasted below in response to Steve's comment)   I was angered yesterday when at starbucks I attempted to connect to the internet - Much to my s...
Posted by So this is what Sexy looks like... on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 01:54:00 PST

Wendy is better than mine.. sigh

I read Wendy's Definition, and of course I have to try and do the same thing.. but NOOO.. mine of course sucks... ..> David Spake --[noun]: A person of questionable sanity who starts their own cult...
Posted by So this is what Sexy looks like... on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 01:34:00 PST

Mosaic me (edited)

I've not been writing much lately, the new job and everything have been keeping me busy.  I should write some entirely self serving news about David blog soon -- for the few who care about my per...
Posted by So this is what Sexy looks like... on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 09:39:00 PST

Gaming and addiciton

I was taking a gaming related survey today - and the following popped into my mind. Obviously I just jotted down what I was thinking off the top of my head. It isn't finished, polished or well constru...
Posted by So this is what Sexy looks like... on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 06:21:00 PST

Big Brother State

Recently I watched this very well done video on the survelance state.  Of course what popped to mind are the extreems that have already happened in our world in various state controlled soci...
Posted by So this is what Sexy looks like... on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 08:16:00 PST

My Grandfather ver 2

I just received a phone call from my mother today.  My grandfather (her father) just passed away at about 45 minutes ago. He's lived in Alaska my entire life, and when i lived there he was about ...
Posted by So this is what Sexy looks like... on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 12:04:00 PST

American Idol vs Ministry -- Religious Blog

AMERICAN IDOL AND THE MINISTRYBy David Spake   [Please note this isn't a general blog in the way of many previous entries. This makes certain assumptions of belief and is appropriate within the c...
Posted by So this is what Sexy looks like... on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 07:40:00 PST

Remixed Previews --

So, I was reading boingboing this morning, and saw this great list of remixed movie previews. I'm sure alot of you have already found a ton around. But I really liked some of these. All are ...
Posted by So this is what Sexy looks like... on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 08:42:00 PST

Cover letter

Keeping in theme w/ the previous post, comes another shameless self plug as I continue to look for work. Actually I've made some significant changes to the resume from what I posted before.  Clea...
Posted by So this is what Sexy looks like... on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:34:00 PST