Don't Save Me profile picture

Don't Save Me

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am 3000 books and only 3 bras
I am more pajama pants than jeans
I am a strawberry flavored Libra
I am a beer and karaoke on Tuesday nights
I am aspirations for a better life than mine right now
I am music to loud to think
I am a note that makes your heart break
I am to caring to just be friends
I am worth more than you feel like giving
I am in love with the world
and disappointed in humanity
I am missing everyone
even when I am in the same room
I am a convertible with the top down in the rain
I am a notebook of random thoughts that make complete sense
I am Saturday morning cartoons
I am Friday nights with a good friend, a pack of
cigarettes, a bottle of sangria, and "The Tudors"
I am my father's daughter
I am a good book and a fluffy blanket on a rainy afternoon
I am entire seasons of Invader Zim
I am no ones mother and a poor substitute when the situation arises
I am not that smart, I just have common sense
I am the weirdest contradiction of personal beliefs you will ever come across
I am not the failure I sometimes think I am
I am scared that you will die before me
I am done being a substitute for the person you really want
I am a two day conversation of nothing but text messages
I am secrets that no one can ever know
I am a place to rest your weary head and maybe shed a tear
I am the queen
off with your head
I am a permanently inked memory everywhere on your body
I am black nail polish when the mood arises
I am attached to you whether you want me to be or not
and secretly loving what it does to you to know it
I am best friends in 4 corners of the earth
I am more than you can handle
I am half a pack of cigarettes till pay day
I am a compulsive band groupie
I am baking chocolate chip cookies at three am
I am the internet for 12 straight hours
I am not what I have become
I am an elitist snob
I am a mirror in front of your face
I am a deep longing to be free

My Interests

Books, music, movies, listening to and quoting Dane Cook, Eddie Izzard, and Monty Python, going to the bar with my boys, being weird and trying to have fun!

I'd like to meet:

Poe, Angelina Jolie, Jude Law, Jonny lee Miller... If you are any of these people, well since you found me already, go ahead and contact me and make my day, if you are not one of these people, well... thats to bad for you but i might still be your friend


The Hush Sound, Panic! at the Disco, Poe, Stevie Nicks, Michael Buble, Idina Menzel, J Smooth, Brand New Disaster, Tool, NIN, Silverchair, Chris Vrenna, Tori Amos, Prodigy, Daft Punk, Imogen Heap, The Fray, Mandy Moore, Missy Higgins, Sarah Fimm, Saul Williams, MUSICALS ARE LOVE!.. .anyone that tells you different is selling something.


oh where to start,.... The Holy Grail, LoTR, Harry Potter, Dogma, Resident Evil, Pirates of the Caribbean, Practical Magic, Donnie Darko, Ever After, Oceans Eleven, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Chicago, Saved, Cronicles of Narnia, Trainspotting, Aeon Flux, The Skeleton Key, The Crow, The Princess Bride, Sleepy Hollow


I miss Buffy, Charmed, Tudors, CSI, House, Criminal Minds, Dharma and Greg, Medium, The Unit, The Ghost Whisperer, Grey's Anatomy, Crossing Jordan, NCIS, Veronica Mars, Bones,the Riches, and shows on hauntings on the travel channel.


Harry Potter, the Outlander series, the Celestine Prophecy, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, Book of Shadows, House of Leaves, Mists of Avalon, Forgotten Columbus, Weird Ohio, The Witch of Cologne, The China Garden, I never believed in ghosts until.., anything by Chuck Palahniuk, anything to do with astrology.


Poe, My Sister, My Ma (Catty, not the real one), Jackie, Tracie, Tori Amos, Milla Jovovich

My Blog

Of all the weird things...

I miss Seattle. It took me a while, mostly because my hate for the evil whore I worked for over shadowed everything else. But crazy  boss, and thankless horrible job aside... I really do mis...
Posted by Don't Save Me on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 02:08:00 PST


I'm leaving in.... 7 hours and I am still not done packing .....aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh   I'll miss you fuckers. you better leave me all tons of comments and messages!...
Posted by Don't Save Me on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 10:12:00 PST

Leeeeeeeeeeaving on a jet plane...

So I leave for Seattle in a week...actually in exactly a week i'll be landing in Vegas then on to Seattle.. I'm really excited, and really terrified. But all this thinking about leaving pretty much ev...
Posted by Don't Save Me on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 08:15:00 PST

its time yet again...

for a drive by lemur-ing.... tee hee! expect one on your comments! .. src="chrome://greasemonkey/content/scripts/1102161148673">..>.. src="chrome://greasemonkey/content/scripts/1102237157909">..>...
Posted by Don't Save Me on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 08:21:00 PST

new picture of me

you know... the more i look at this picture.   the more i want to take it off myspace....
Posted by Don't Save Me on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:48:00 PST

ok well whats next?

there are few words to express my feelings at the moment.. but lets start with: irritated i'm quite irritated with alot of things, my job, my mother, my broke ass computer  just to name a few &nb...
Posted by Don't Save Me on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:18:00 PST

in reguards to life in general lately

I would like to quote the immortal words of my little cousin and best bud Jackie   "Fuck that crotch!"   the end
Posted by Don't Save Me on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 11:19:00 PST

ok what do you do?

what do you do when you like someone and can't have them? what do you do when you feel horribly guilty, rejected and used all at the same time? what do you do when you are tired of the same exact thin...
Posted by Don't Save Me on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 11:51:00 PST

fuck it

fuck all this
Posted by Don't Save Me on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST