LIKES: Mexican Food, The Color Green, Lily Allen, Dancing for fun, spontaneous adventures, children, motherhood, trying on clothes, wearing makeup, Partying & Drinking with friends, 420 daily, helping people, my education, my body, Eating Ice Cream, Cuddling, Orangutans, Cats, Fresh Raindrops, Sun-Brewed Iced Tea, Music that sends shivers down my spine, Tattoos & piercings, Nature, the environment, Peace & Love, Organization, Filing & labeling, free health care, long trips in a car, disposable cameras, boots, tight jeans, Baggy shirts, Respect, Moral Character, Candles, incense, Biscuits & Sausage-gravy, Positivity, optimism, Utopian fiction, dystopian fiction, friendship, open communication, honesty, Sleeping in on the weekends, cheap wine, free refills, extra ice, thrift-store shopping, bargain-hunting, movie theaters, deep & thoughtful discussions, gardening, cooking, balconies, courtyards, green houses, Benches, bike paths, art, found-sculpture, installations, being happy :)
DISLIKES: Confrontation, ignorance, radical religious groups, Tobacco, hungry children, bad parents (except for mine :P), constant negativity, pessimism, controlling & obsessive behavior, Hannah Montana, capitalism at its worst, the Disney channel, waking up, rats, spiders, insects, creepy crawly things, mass body hair, bulging biceps & other various muscles (not being sarcastic, its kinda gross... for real), horror movies (unless I can cuddle with someone), public speaking, dishonesty, doing dishes, folding socks, pretending to like someone/ being fake, obnoxious behavior, computers not working.