Justin profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm just your typical guy, with a few slight changes. I work, go to school (UNLV REBELS!!!!!!!!!!), play sports, work out and party it up in the City of Sin. I am a loyal friend, just as soon as you can figure me out and how I operate. I love my family very much and know that they will catch me whenever I fall through a hole in my safety net. I am good with people and like to socialize. I am a very good judge of character and am opinionated. I can come off as arrogant and overly confident, but cocky just sounds so much cooler.I'm also the kind of guy that would laugh before helping someone if they fell.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who have a confidence about themselves; subtle or overt. But, variety is the spice of life, so just drop a line or say 'What's up'Myspace Layouts
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Myspace Generators
Myspace Backgrounds

My Blog

2008, thank you...

I AM THANKFUL FOR...   The partner who hogs the covers every night, Because he is not out with someone else.   The child who is not cleaning his room, but Is watching TV, because that means ...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 10:17:00 GMT

Steel forged through fire, only makes it stronger.

So, i was just chillin', watching t.v. one night, and i looked out of my window and saw that it was dark.  The kicker?? It was only 7:20 p.m.!!!!  That's when i realized, the days are s...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 00:02:00 GMT

This sums it up...

I was just checking out the news on MSN.com and i came across this article.  With my birthday coming up, i thought it would be fun to read it.  As i was reading it, i realized that all the t...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 09:29:00 GMT

...and the story continues...

...anyone who knows me knows that my life is packed...one day, i'll be doing something somewhere, and that same night, i'll be doing something completely different in a completely different place...it...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 01:07:00 GMT


...so, i'm cool, just driving home from the gym when this fuckin' taxi driver decides to pull out in front of me...first off, dumbass has to stop at a 2-way, meaning, i have complete right of way...bu...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 23:08:00 GMT

...do you hav some time to kill?...

...cause that's how this blog is...it seems like it's time to go...i hav no idea what i'm writing about, but it's just time to write i guess... ...i just got back from snowboarding from Utah all weeke...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 22:52:00 GMT

...where i am...

...hey dudes...i havn't posted anything in a while...large part is that i've just been running around, like my track star lil' brother, all busy and shit like that...especially this summer, which flew...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 13:10:00 GMT

...so yeah...

...havn't posted anything for the past few months and inquiring minds want to know, so here we go...it's time for...(drum roll)...   ..."what has Justin been up to since his last blog" blog... .....
Posted by on Tue, 16 May 2006 17:52:00 GMT

Ok, here we go...

...so I wrote this long ass blog earlier today, and I accidently deleted the entire fuckin' thing!!!  Yeah, 20 minutes of my life gone in a click of a button, scary huh.  Anyways, I was abou...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 22:08:00 GMT

To Everyone...

With recent episodes in my life, I truely feel the need to say this to all my family and friends...I love you all.  I love all of you individually and together.  It does not matter what has ...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Feb 2006 22:39:00 GMT