About Me
Ok, about me? Man this is hard....
Well here we go:
I live in Texas, have a mom, dad, and sister. I have two cats, no dogs yet. I am currently attending college. I come from a short person family, so I am very short, 4' 10'' yes I'm tiny... it's fun size! ok personality: I am funny, smart, feisty (is what I have been told), outgoing, a bit shy sometimes, loyal, protective, friendly, romantic (when I find someone I love), I try to be honest but sometimes that fails....
Occupation: Vet tech, which most days I enjoy my job, but sometimes it's extremely hard.
I play soccer and enjoy singing, I also love to read but rarely have the time to.
I also, have ADD and get distracted easily, so please keep shiney objects away.... OO shiney *sees shiney object and gets distracted*
oops *snaps out of it* sorry, where was I? um, oh yes about me...
Ok, thats enough about me.... got questions? just ask!
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What Horse Breed are You?
You are a thoroughbred. You display determination and you are very athletic. You are anxious and you like to get things done, you also love to win.
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Which F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Cast Member are you? (pics!)
You make every one laugh!!! You are so funny and can always think of something great to say! Make sure you don't hurt someone with your jokes, but keep being your funny self!!
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com
What sport fits your personality?
You know how to keep things in control!
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