I'm a regular sort of dude. I go to work, come home, play guitar, drink the beer that I make, and paint. I have an insatiable appetite for cool music. I eat music. I paint a lot.
My friends would say that I'm funny, but who's friends wouldn't say something like that, unless you are particularly un-funny, but people like that don't have many friends anyways...they loose.
I like to eat healthy most of the time. I like baseball, but I don't like footballhockyorbasketball. Sometimes I'll watch ultimate fighting. I don't really like TV. Every once in a while I like to get sh*..faced with my friends. Not often, but every once in a while. Sometimes I'll pick up a book. Three out of ten times I'll finish the book. Seven out of ten times I'll read about a quarter of it and never pick it up again. I'm not a bandwagon reader. If you tell me to read The Davinci Code, I won't until the hype dies down 10 years later. I will listen to a band that someone tells me about, if and only if they like 2 bands that I like.
I can paint for 5 hours straight, but not every day. I love the arts more than I love music. Cool paintings blow me away.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
A) Mr. T. The whole cast of M*A*S*H. A robot with a jukebox for a head.
B) People who would be interested in buying some art. Mainly paintings...all paintings in fact.
C) People who brew beer. I need secrets, recipes, recipes, and recipes.
My Blog
Something that I've always wondered.
How come black corduroy jeans are always too tight? Posted by on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 07:26:00 GMT