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About Me

I'm a pretty simple person I think. I love being married, 5 years June 1st! i can't believe how fast time flies. I'll be done with school August 08' thank goodness! My 10 year high school reunion is coming up in October. I can't believe that either. My life is so different than I envisioned it when I was in college for my first degree. It amuses me really. I hear all these 20 year olds at A&M with their whole life planned out. Of course you can't really tell someone that things probably won't end up like you think. People have to find out for themselves, don't they? Still, even though my life is pretty much radically different than I imagined it, I love where I am. That has to do with God more than anything. I have definitly learned not to plan cause God has a way of shaking things up. People always ask me what I want to do after I graduate. I honestly have no idea. And I'm not worried about it. Whats most important is that I'm where God wants me, and He'll reveal things when I'm ready to hear them.

My Interests

soaking up the sun, floating on a raft, taking naps, lazy summer days, the smell of freshly cut grass, sunset, beautiful starry nights in the country, running and feeling the oxygen fill up my lungs, going to bed and waking up next to my husband, real people, nights on the porch with jenn drinking wine, going to an ea show, the singalong on the way there, hugging my friends, the ocean at night, a good cry

I'd like to meet:

sean hannity, glenn beck, ann coulter


Eyes Around, Keane, Tegan and Sara, The White Stripes, muse, jimmy eat world, u2, nirvana, pearl jam,garth brooks, snow patrol, interpol, the toadies, radio head, smashing pumpkins, shirock, led zeplin, pink floyd, foo fighters, incubus, the strokes, tom petty,chris tomlin, regina spector, fiona apple, the cranberries, mazzie star, van morrison, the juliana theory, and many many more...


Cinderella, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, My Fair Lady, Gone With the Wind, The Sound of Music, 16 candles, Edward Scissorhands, pride and predjudice, pretty in pink, romeo and juliet, steel magnolias, braveheart, spaceballs, ferris bueller's day off, sleepy hollow, high fidelity, the matrix, 3 amigos, pirates of the caribbean, ocean's 11, american beauty, punch drunk love, mask(with cher), my cousin vinny, meet joe black, hero, the pianist, kill bill 1&2, legends of the fall, tombstone, chicago, tombstone, a knights tsle, jerry maguire, monty python search for the holy grail, can'y buy me love, annie, you've got mail, working girl, say anything, baby boom, coming to america, bridget jone's diary, the never ending story, the princes bride, and girls just wanna have fun!


project runway, america's next top model, grey's anatomy, friends, conan, glenn beck, hannity and combs, csi, law and order(svu), paula dean, the o'reilly factor, america's funniest home videos, divine design,and inside the actors studio,


the Good book, memoirs of a geisha, janet evanovich(steph plum), the cronicles of narnia, the harry potter books, historical biograhies(i.e. founding fathers, world leaders etc...not al gore and the like),all Beth Moore books, Blue Like Jazz(a must), Pride and predjudice(pretty much any jane austin book), i'll read pretty much any thing if i think they have something good to say.


Jesus, John the Baptist, the apostles, my mother and father, the men and women in our armed forces, our president

My Blog

petty church folks

so, i read fox news online everyday to see whats going on, right? well, theres an article on the site about american idol and one of the contestants. Its the big guy with the curly hair. anywho, appar...
Posted by kimbo on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 02:51:00 PST

Heck stinkin yeah!

Posted by kimbo on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 01:41:00 PST


i am speechless. i don't know why i'm so blessed. God has given me the greatest friends a person could ever ask for. I feel overwhelmed by their generosity of spirit, selflessness, and patience to put...
Posted by kimbo on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 02:59:00 PST

I am in the secret service.

I was thinking about the president and the secret service the other day, when it occured to me that i am a secret service agent for Jesus. Sersiously. Its so true. I was drafted a long time ago, but s...
Posted by kimbo on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 03:32:00 PST

Am I obsessive?

So I've been thinking, and I think I might be a little obsessive. I don't know what actually characterizes that since I am actually obsessive in spurts. Like When pride and predjudice came out I bough...
Posted by kimbo on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 01:31:00 PST