The Ex-Votos exist since ancient Greece and during the Roman Era were made in terracotta, representing those who need to be protected. In Catholic cultures they are dedicated to Jesus or the Virgin Mary and are mainly in form of Sacred Hearts, even though Yuo find them in shape of Humani body parts (legs,ears,lungs,etc.) , animals (very impotant in the past especially in the farms) and also houses! They were and are put in the churches to ask for a Miracle or tho thank for One (Grazia). Thy are always related to great Pain or great Joy. On the Hearts We find the Inscriptions: " G R " (Received Grazia) "P G R " (For Received Grazia) e " A M " (To Mary) even though the last one is less frequent, All the Sacred Hearts are delightfully decorated in search of personalization and that's why is very hard to find matching ones. For example on most Hearts We find crowns, on others which are rare We'll find the representation of the Passion of Christ. Ex-Votos are available in different sizes from 1 inch up to 20 inches (I have one in my collection), They were nailed to the walls of the Church (In some You see the holes) or framed with coloured beckground mainly made of fabric like velvet or flax, those which were hung are usually very oxidated and I try to bring them back to the original state (or close) , which I don't do for those a little less oxidated that look very good like that. Framing is made with materials I belive are similar to those used traditionally and using nice fabric for the backgrounds. I get the ex-votos in flea-markets all over Italy and sometimes I get them from Nuns or Priests and that's what I like the best since I know the money is going to those who need it. To me all this is not only a Job, but also a real Passion... sometimes I wish I didn't have to sell all those beautiful pieces... I want them all in my collection! I'm happy that people like my stuff, it's very rewarding. This is all folks.. My name is Simone " Jesus " " El Rana " do not hesitate to contact me about anything.
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